Chapter 14

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I come home in the mornin' light 

My mother says, "When you gonna live your life right?" 

"Oh Mommy dear, we're not the fortunate ones 

And girls, they wanna have fun 

Woah girls, just wanna have fun" 

The phone rings in the middle of the night 

My father yells, "Whatcha gonna do with your life?" 

"Oh Daddy dear, you know you're still number one 

But girls they wanna have fun 

Oh girls, just wanna have" 

That's all they really want 

Some fun 

When the workin' day is done 

Oh girls they wanna have fun 

Oh girls just wanna have fun 

Girls they wanna 

Wanna have fun now 

Wanna have 

Some boys take a beautiful girl 

And hide her away from the rest of the world 

I wanna be the one to walk in the sun 

Oh girls they wanna have fun 

Oh girls just wanna have 

That's all they really want 

Some fun..... 

Cyndi Lauper 

Along came the springtime and with it the much desired longer warmer days. In March miners' leaders voted to end their year-long strike, which had turned out to be the longest running industrial dispute in Britain, without any peace deal over pit closures. Miners' leader Arthur Scargill said that the campaign against job losses will continue, but miners will return to work on Tuesday. Miners' braving the cold and rain outside the TUC's London headquarters, Congress House, for news of the result of the vote were disappointed with the decision; some were in tears, others chanted: "We will not go back to work". Cheers greeted the National Union of Mineworkers President, Mr. Scargill, when he emerged from Congress House; but the mood quickly changed and he was booed and jeered as he announced the return to work. The Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, said she was very relieved that the strike was finally over. 

At least 45 people have died and 175 have been injured in a car bomb explosion in Beirut, Lebanon. The bomb blew a huge crater in the street and destroyed two seven-storey blocks of flats and was close to a mosque as worshippers were gathering for Friday night prayers in a densely populated Shia Muslim suburb. 

Mikhail Gorbachev became the new leader of the Soviet Union, following the death of Konstantin Chernenko. At 54 Mr. Gorbachev became the youngest man to take over as General Secretary of the Soviet communist party. Despite his sudden promotion, Mr. Gorbachev has announced that arms talks with the Americans in Geneva will still go ahead as planned. The BBC's Moscow correspondent, Tim Sebastian, said Mr. Gorbachev's appointment marks a dramatic change in the leadership in the Kremlin. 

In May at least 56 people were known to have died and many more were missing after a disastrous fire engulfed the Bradford City football stadium. Hundreds of people were in hospital suffering from burns. Most of the dead were children or elderly people crushed in the rush to escape the inferno. The tragedy sent shockwaves around the world. The Queen, the Pope, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, and many church leaders have sent messages of condolence to a city in mourning. The cause of the fire is thought to have been the accidental dropping of a match or a cigarette stubbed out in a polystyrene cup and the resulting fire was fuelled by rubbish piled up underneath the wooden stand. 

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