Shut up Nick

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Cammie's POV

     I'm stood at the front of the class with Liz, Macey, Bex, Tina, Eva, Lilly, Samantha, and Jessica. The teacher, Mrs Lengdon, is looking at us with a mean scowl. She keeps looking at the boys and then back at us. It's starting to freak me out, actually. I'm a chameleon that doesn't feel very chameleony. I feel very... Exposed. Way, way too exposed.
     The teacher does the same thing as Mr Burringson did the other day. She asks us for our names and, even though I haven't used a notepad in the past two days and my voice is getting better, I write mine down while Bex explains my predicament. Instead of being extremely rude like Mr Burringson, her gaze softens and she gives me a sad smile. What she doesn't know is that I don't want her stupid pity so she can leave me the hell alone. I'm about to write that and show the woman in front of me, but Bex grabs the pen and holds it until Mrs Lengdon starts to put us in our seats.
    She puts Samantha at the front next a boy with dark curly hair and thick-rimmed glasses. She puts Lilly next to a boy with brown skin, bright eyes, and a cocky smile. I could tell she was in for a 'fun' time with him. She put Macey next to Johnson, who rolled his eyes when he heard Macey's name. The boys, including Zach, all tried to contain their laughter when Macey took her seat. Huh, that's weird. Tina wasn't smirking or laughing as we guessed she would, in fact she looked extremely worried. Kind of like a rabbit caught in the headlights. I knew that anyone could notice the change in her, but only a few of us were curious enough to pursue the matter further.
"You okay?" I mouth to her, watching her pale face turn a ghostly white colour. She doesn't reply to me. She just moves to her seat next to a boy at the back of the room.
Eva was made to sit next to a boy with really greasy hair, sweat stains, and smelled unearthly. I could  she was trying not to gag when she sat next to him. Liz was put next to Jonas which I thought was a pretty good combination. Maybe Liz would get her first boyfriend! This is so exciting!
Bex was sat next to Grant. I ended up choking on a laugh, causing me to have a coughing fit. It was fine, though, because I could see out of the corner of my eye that Bex was on the floor laughing.
"Girls?! Is everything okay?!" Mrs Lengdon asked in a concerned tone. Bex forced herself to stand up while my coughing subsided.
"Yes, ma'am. Everything is fine" Bex struggled to get out through the laughter she was holding in. She took her seat next to a very red-faced Grant while biting her lip.
Jessica was put next to Zach. I tried my best not to show that I was extremely jealous. She annoyed me even more when she sat down in her seat and kissed Zach's cheek. I was this close to walking over there and showing her exactly what would happen if she flirted with my boyfriend, when Mrs Lengdon told me where my seat would be.
"Cammie, you will be sat next to Nick" she said, pointing to the spare seat next to Nick. I hesitantly went to sit next to him when he spoke up.
"Come on, Miss. Don't sit me next to this chick. I don't want to be reminded every lesson that she's an ugly, selfish, wimp that doesn't even deserve to go to a school for specialist operatives." Nick says, rolling his eyes and smirking evilly. I just laugh bitterly before sitting down in the seat next to him, moving it as close to the edge of the desk as possible.
"Shut up, Nick" Zach grumbles.
"Yeah, shut up, Nick" all the girls, minus Jessica, say in unison. I can't help but smile slightly when I see Bex crack her knuckles and Liz push her reading glasses further up the bridge of her nose. They really are the closest friends that I will ever have. They are willing to defend me all the time and vice versa. We will stop at nothing to protect each other.
"Now, as I was saying..." Mrs Lengdon began, before Eva raised her hand.
"Miss, I think I need to go to the nurses office!"
"And why might that be, Miss Alvarez?" Miss enquired.
"I think I'm going to be sick!!" Eva shouted, whilst turning a deep shade of green.
"Well, don't just a stand there! Go and see Gail at once!" Commanded Mrs Lengdon and clapped her hands. I could tell that we were in for a lecture.
"Thank you!" Said Eva. She then quickly hopped out of her seat and ran out of the door.
  "What's going on?" I mouth to Bex, but she's looking at me with a very odd expression. Her skin is a ghostly white with kind of a green tint that doesn't really look good. I'm about to ask her what the matter when I hear someone gag from behind.
  "Miss, I don't feel so good" Lilly says, her hand flying to her mouth as she gags again. Moments later, she's flying out of the room. Samantha is next to leave followed by Tina. Liz doesn't make it out of the room and ends up retching into the bin by the door. Macey unfortunately ends up dumping her breakfast in the boy next to her's lap. Bex empties her stomach onto the floor with Grant holding her hair back. This would be a bad moment to say how strangely cute it looked.
      I whip my head round to look at Nick who, like most of the other boys, is snickering.
  "What did you do?" I growl.
  "We may or may not have put one of the chemicals from the lab in the scrambled eggs this morning" he laughs.
  "But that could kill them!" I whisper/shout at him. He just shakes his head.
  "It was tested before. The only side effect of it was nausea; no one died" he scoffs. I shake my head at him one last time before turning round to see Jessica looking at the scene in front of her with horror.
  "Jessica!" I whisper/shout, getting her attention. "Did you eat the eggs this morning?"
  "Please, I'm on a no carbs diet" she scoffs, throwing her hair over her shoulder.
  "What? That doesn't even- never mind" I sigh. I stand up and turned to Nick. "You grab Macey, I'll grab Bex, and Zach will grab Liz."
  "How about no?" He replies.
  "Help me or I'll rat you out" I say in a hushed tone so only he can hear. He rolls his eyes, but gets up and grabs a weak Macey by the waist. I look over at Zach who nods before running to get Liz. I run to get Bex when Grant tells me he's got her. I'm about to go with them when Mrs Lengdon's voice stops me.
  "Miss Morgan, do you feel sick?" She asks. I shake my head.
  "No, but-"
  "Then you may re-take your seat" she states.
  "But-" I try, but Zach cuts me off.
  "Cam, we got it. They'll be fine" he whispers in my ear. I sigh, but eventually nod.
  "Okay. Hurry" I say before quickly pecking his lips and watch him sprint down the hall. Grudgingly, I slump back into my seat for the next forty five minutes of class.

Zach POV

      I'm holding Liz's hair back while she throws up into the bowl that was placed on the side next to her hospital bed. Once she's finished heaving, I take the bowl from her, place it on the floor, and hand her a glass of water. After taking a few sips she places it on the bedside table with a shaky hand before settling down into the bed.
  "Thank you" she whispers.
  "Don't mention it" I say.
  "No," she whispers, shaking her head. "Thank you for everything."
  "What do you mean?" I ask.
  "Thank you for taking care of Cam. Bex may be in denial about it, but anyone with eyes can see that you love her to pieces. After her dad died, it's like she hid away a big part of who she was. And then you came along and brought it back out. You've made her life better and I'm really thankful that she has you. She's one lucky girl" she coughs into the crook of her elbow before continuing. "And thank you for today. It must be pretty unfair to have to be the knight in dry-cleaned uniform when it's me you have to save."
  "Hey," I say. "There's nothing wrong with you, Liz - well, apart from the fact that you have chemical poisoning - but in general,  you're perfect" I tell her honestly. She smiles slightly before taking one of my hands and squeezing it.
  "Whatever you say, Casanova" she whispers with a smile before yawning and closing her eyes.
  "Get some rest" I whisper before lightly kissing her forehead and moving to the seat in the corner of the room. Liz's words ring in my head and I can't help but that that Cammie isn't the lucky one; I am.

Cammie POV

      As soon as class is dismissed, I am the first one out of the classroom and speeding down the hall. I'm about halfway down the hall when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I whip round to see a slightly startled Jonas looking at me.
  "Jonas! Hi!" I say.
  "Hey" he replies.
  "What can I help you with?" I ask.
  "Are you going to see Liz?" He asks quietly. I smirk knowingly before linking arms with the geeky boy.
  "Come on, we have a whole free period of getting to know each other" I laugh as we walk quickly down the hall towards the school's infirmary. Looks like it won't just be Zach in our friendship group anymore...

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