The one with the suicide

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Chapter 1

I stare at my converse waiting for the old yellow bus to come around the corner, another day, another, week, another month, another year. Always the same.

I get on the same bus I've been getting onto since kindergarten and sit in the same seat that I've sat in since grade 7, listen to the same stupid stories my cousin tells. It's gonna be different this year! I've been telling myself that for years now and well... Nothing ever changes.

I still hang out with the same 8 people I've always hung out with since grade school, I still live on the family farm, I still work my ass off doing hay every summer and worst of all, im still a fat virgin.

My names Katarina and I'm your average small town, canadian hick. I say 'eh' all the time, I watch hockey on Saturday nights, I grew up listening to a mix of rock and stompin' Tom. But ya know what different about me?


"You will have a 3 page essay to hand in by this time tomorrow" my teacher drones on about today's horribly boring homework, write an essay on why the North American Trade Agreement is so fucking important to our 'everyday life'. Well guess what Mrs. Block I don't give a damn why it's important.

And I know no one else in this god awful class does either.

"Hey mom! Where are you?" I yell as I walk into the house. It's a simple house, a two story with 3 bedrooms, a small living room and a fairly big kitchen.
I walk through the kitchen and into the living room thinking that she probably just fell asleep watching some TV.

Boy was I wrong.

I walk into the living room to find her, the best mother that I could ever ask for, the most caring person I know, half hanging off the couch.

And she's dead.

The blood runs from the deep cuts in her wrists down her hands and drips down the leather couch finally stopping when it lands in the large pool of blood on the floor in front of the couch.

"No. No. No. No. No. No. NO!" I hear myself say. My mom, the one who braided my hair and taught me how to apply makeup. The woman who helped me take my first steps, who held my hand when I went down the slide, who taught me what love was. She carried me inside of her for 9 months and then leaves me after 17 years.

How. Fucking. Dare. She.

This is gonna turn into some kind of fanfic... I'm going to tell you a little bit about Katarina first though.

Feedback is very much appreciated :)

The One With Steven and Katarina (GNR Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora