The One With The Kiss

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Chapter 6

Me and Popcorn had a really awkward walk back to the apartment, he still had my arm in his and hadn't let it go all the back from The Whiskey.

We enter the apartment building and walk up the flights of stairs until we get to the fifth floor and the door labeled 5D. Popcorn unlocks the door and finally lets go of my arm, pushing the door and walking in.

I guess he's not going to leave?

"So where are you from, Kat?" He asks plopping down on the couch and smiling at me.
"Canada..." I mumble quietly, I'm not embarrassed about being from Canada. Just Canada has a reputation of being nice and friendly, and from what I've seen of LA so far it's anything but nice. And it sure as hell isn't friendly.
"Really? I've never been to Canada! I think I have some cousins that live in Toronto though... I think my Grandma said something about them one time! So where are you from in Canada?" He smiles at me and all of the awkwardness associated with the walk over here seems to vanish.

I can see now how a smile can start and stop wars. I think as I look at Popcorns grinning face.

"I'm from Ontario, really small town. Grew up on a farm. Not very exciting." I'm still looking at my feet, sneaking glances at Popcorn every time I think he may be looking away.

"Come sit. Your all tense. And your standing there like I'm going to bite, don't worry, I don't bite underage girls." He winks at me and I can't help but smile back. "So um, Slash said something when we were leaving about someone named 'Steven Adler' who's that? I've never heard of him before, is he dangerous or something?" Popcorn lets a laugh out and leans close, as if he's telling me a secret. "Okay you promise that you won't tell anyone what I'm about to tell you?" He looks me in the eye and the smile is off of his face, he looks too serious, only the second time he hasn't been smiling since I've met him. "Okay... I promise." I hold out my pinky finger and internally cringe at how juvenile it seems. He laughs though and laces his pinky with mine.

I expect him to drop my pinky but he keeps it wrapped around his own and he lowers our hands into my lap.

"Okay... So there's this man, this Steven Adler, he's a drummer. He's from California and he's 20 years old, he was a very bad boy when he was a kid and he got sent to his grandparents in Hollywood, eventually he went back with his mom though. He could never sit still, he learned to play the drums and was in a couple of bands. He had a friend in school names Saul, they formed a band, got this guy Andrew to play bass in it. They-", I cut Popcorn off.

"Stop. Why is this important?" I'm pretty impatient and want to know who this Steven guy is, the backstory is pretty interesting but I want to know who he is now.

"We'll get to that in a minute. Now can I continue my story?" He sticks his lip out and makes a pouty face, well I can't very well say no to that... I nod and he continues.

"They broke up cause they couldn't find a singer and apparently Steven was being lazy, which I don't agree with, so Saul left. Steven Joined a band called Guns N' Roses with Saul, Andrew, Will, and Jeff. And that's my life story!" He giggles and I lean back and glare at him.
"You made me sit through your life story? Are you kidding me? I thought you said you were telling me about Steven Ad- oh. Wow, of course Popcorn isn't your real name. Just like Axl, Slash, Izzy, and Duff aren't their real names. Alright you got me. Good job." I'm still sort of pissed, why couldn't he just say it was him and spare me the story?

"So what brings you to LA, Kat? I told you my story it's your turn!" He stands up and walks into the kitchen, pulling ice cream and bowls out of the freezer and cupboards. He scoops it into he bowls and gets out chocolate syrup, whip cream, and anything else that looks like it could be good on ice cream, from the looks of the completely covered counter.

"Talk! I can make my sundae and listen at the same time." He starts dropping things onto this ice cream and I turn when he squirts ketchup on, in hopes of not vomiting.

"Okay... Small town, I already said that, my parents were married and they had Markie and me. Markie moved, I helped out on the farm like always, my mom killed herself, I found her, and here I am. That's my story." Steven comes over and puts his arm and me and starts wiping the tears off of my cheeks, when did I start crying?

"Im sorry babe, you could've just told me to fuck off, you didn't have to tell me that. I'm so sorry." He gently pulls me into his lap and rocks me softly, resting his chin on the top of my head and pulling me into his chest.

I hadn't really cried since Mom died, sure I cried the day I found her but that was more out of shock. I've been more pissed at her then saddened by her death. I've cried because dad is spiralling. I've cried cause I saw my mom covered in blood on the ground. I've cried cause I left everything I've ever known. But I haven't cried cause mom is dead.

"I-I-I I'm-m s-s-sor-r-ry. I g-g-got you-r s-s-shirt all w-wet." His chest moves and he gently cups my face and told my head up so that I'm looking him in the eye.

"You have nothing to be sorry about. It isn't your fault. And now you're here, you have family here. Markie and Slash... And me. We're your family now, okay?" He kisses my forehead, and my cheek... and the corner of my mouth.

Oh my god what do I do?! I've never kissed anyone before! Oh god...

I'm paralyzed under his grip and as his lips come down on mine I feel my lips gently moving against his. He pulls away quickly, "I'm sorry. I can't. We can't. Your 17! I'm in a band and your sister is dating a band member and-" I gather all of my courage and reach up and pull his head back down to mine pushing my lips against his.

His lips move quickly and more forcefully against my own, he licks my bottom lip and I open slightly, our tongues touching and fighting for power. He pushes me back down against the couch and he's laying on top of me, I'm desperately gripping him, like he's the only thing keeping me on earth. He slowly starts to pull my shirt up over my stomach and-

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" My eyes snap open at the sound of my sisters voice and I shove Steven off of me, he falls to the ground and lands on his ass "I thought you were enjoying it." He mumbles getting up and sheepishly smiling at Markie.

She walks over in her platform heels and grabs Steven by the ear, "what the fuck is wrong with you Steven Adler?! She's my sister. And she's 17! What are you thinking?!" She slaps him on he back of the head with her other hand and doesn't let go of his ear.
"I... I like her Markie! Okay? And it's not like you came to LA any older then she is. You came when you were 17! Give her a break! And let go of my ear!" He sounds angry but he doesn't look angry, he looks almost sad, like he's remember Markie when she first came to LA. "I helped you when you came to LA. You had nothing. You just got fired from The Diner, you had ten dollars to your name and nowhere to go. Your boyfriend what was his name? Skinny? The drug dealer. Dumped you, you were crying on the sidewalk by The Troubadour, I helped you. I fed you. I didn't have much more then you had yourself but I skipped meals so that you would have something to eat, anything to eat. I helped you get a job, even if you are a stripper it's better then what you were going to do if I didn't-" She puts her hand over his mouth to stop him and I realize that there are tears slowly running down her face.

"Okay Stevie, I'm sorry. Really, I am. But you can't date my sister. Cause you don't date, you fuck and run, and I won't let you do that to my sister okay? So please... Just leave her alone. And get out." She turns on her, extremely tall, heels and walks to the bedroom with her head hung low.

"Leave the light above the sink on for Slash when you go to bed, Kat." She says from down the hallway and slams the bedroom door.

"I think you should go" I whisper looking at me feet.

"Fine. I'll leave. But don't think this is over, I like you, and I know that you like me." He takes a couple steps towards me, lifts my chin up and kisses me on the lips. "I'll see you around, Kat. You can't count on it." And with that he's soundlessly out the door.

Great now I get to clean up his mess. I think as I pick up the two bowls of ice cream and throw them in the sink, better get busy.
The story roughly set around 1985.

I got Stevens back story from Wikipedia because I wrote it at 2am and couldn't be bothered to go on an actual website... Anyways, I hope that you enjoy it!

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