The one that she meets someone new...

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Chapter 7

I feel something touching me. I groggily look at the clock sitting on my night stand, 4:58am. "Hey babe, I'm home." The thing touching me slides it's arm around me, and in my sleep deprived state, I don't realize that this shouldn't be happening. "Night, Steven." I whisper and drift off into sleep.
"WHAT THE FUCK, KAT?! I wouldn't let you fuck Steven so now you're going to steal my boyfriend! I don't have to let you stay here you know!" I jump out of bed and land on my stomach, being woken up by screaming isn't exactly pleasant.
"What are you talking about, Markie?" I mumble from the floor, slowly untangling myself from the blankets and sitting up. "As if you don't know, you little whore! You slept with Slash last night! How could you?!" She's standing in the doorway glaring at me, her face beet red.

"Are you crazy?! Why would I fuck Slash? I'm a virgin for fucks sake and you're accusing me of seducing your boyfriend? I was pissed last night that you made Steven leave, but I'm not one for petty revenge." I'm meeting her glare with my own now, both of us narrowing our eyes.

"Okay. Then answer this, why. Is. He. In. Your. Bed. And why did I find him all cuddled up to you when I came in here to wake you up?" I look over at the bed that I just fell out of and sure enough there he is, still fast asleep.

How is he still sleeping after all that? He must be deaf from being in the clubs so often.

Rolling my eyes I grab my pillow off of the bed and chuck it at Slash's head. "Get up fuck face and explain to Markie why the hell you're in my bed. Cause I'm not sure why."

"What?" He rolls over onto his back and looks up at Markie and at me on the floor. "What happened? Why are you on the floor? And why am I in your room?" He scrunches up his forehead and I have to admit, that if I hadn't been pissed at him, it would've been pretty cute.
"Is that proof enough for you that nothing happened, Markie! He doesn't even remember coming into my room." I get up off the floor and flop back into bed, "now get out."

The bed creaks and the door slams and I'm alone again, well... I guess Slash was in here before, so I wasn't really alone, even if I didn't
know he was here.
"Hey babe get up," someone whispers in my ear.
"Slash get out my bed, I already kicked you out once today. And stop calling me babe, if you keep going it Markie will get pissed again." The body that was hovering over me gently rolls off and jumps out of bed.

"WHAT THE HELL SLASH?! Why were you in Kats bed last night? And why are you calling her 'babe' she's mine. You have Markie! You stole my best friend! You can't take the girl that I like too!" I hear Steven scream in the kitchen.

Wait... Why is Steven here? Part of my thinks, what is the other part of me thinking? Well the other part of me is thinking STEVEN JUST SAID HE LIKES ME!!!!!

I hear the sound of skin on skin and Slash yell back, "what the hell Popcorn?! I didn't do anything with her an-" another smack and the sound of a body hitting the floor.

Shit they're fighting! I have to go stop them!

I run as fast as I can out of the room and down the short hallway, I find Steven on top of a bloody and swelling Slash. His fist coming down repeatedly.
"Stop! Steven what are you doing?! I didn't do anything with him!" I grab his arm and pull him off of slash slamming him onto his back and straddling his hips. "Nothing happened."

He won't look me in the eye.

I grab his chin and force him to look me in the eye "we're not even toge-" as soon as our eyes meet I lose my train of thought. All I can focus on is the blue eyes underneath me, the look of betrayal in them. I've only known him for a day and I'm already falling for him. I lean down towards him and I feel a hand pulling my shoulder back.

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