The one with the Jack Daniels

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Chapter 2

*1 month later*

"Daddy! I don't want to move to California with my sister! She's a fucking stripper!" He glared at me for that comment, as if he forgot that's he's just as pissed at her as I am. "And besides that," I continue picking up his hand, "you need my help here. And she's only 20! How the hell is she supposed to look after me?! I'm better off here Dad. I have friends. I have you. And I need you Dad!" I'm yelling now not angry more hurt then anything, the tears are building up rapidly in my eyes and I know that I can't hold them in for very much longer.

He's still sitting there his face usually grim looking without his usual grin present, he looks empty without it. He's a handsome man, over 6 feet and broad shouldered, his hair that was almost black a month ago is now heavily speckled with grey and his usually bright sparkling blue eyes are dead and empty. Mom was his everything. Me, mom and Markie. His girls. His heart.

"I know what you're going through Dad! I loved her too! She was my mother I loved her more then anything in the world besides you, and I refuse to leave you. I need to help you. How are you going to do everything yourself, huh? I know that Spencer will come and help you but he's not your son. I am your daughter. I don't want to go Daddy... Don't make me go. Please?" I'm whispering now and the tears are now freely flowing down my face, I don't bother to wipe them off cause I know that they'll just keep coming.

He doesn't say anything. He doesn't look at me. He just puts my passport and a plane ticket on the table, kisses my head and walks to the liquor cabinet pulling out the bottle of Jack Daniels and two shot glasses.
"You were always my favourite you know that Kitty Kat?! Markie was always too prissy! I wanted a real woman, you know how to cook and clean and can throw around bales almost as good as Spencer!" He blabbers, pouring himself another shot and manages to pour most of it on the table instead of in the glass.
"Everyone says you're just like me!" He hiccups loudly shaking the table, "dark hair, tall. But too shy! Too damn shy! You need to go get a boyfriend! You're a good looking girl baby doll, maybe you'll have more luck in California!" He stops then and looks down at the table.
"California..." He says as if testing the word, I of course stay quiet pouring myself the last shot out of the bottle and tipping my head back swallowing the liquid not even noticing the sting anymore. "You're the last one I have left... And I'm shipping you off to America to live with your sister. I love you baby," he looks up at me his voice thick with tears and his face crumbling, he puts his head in his hands and cries quietly to himself.
I don't know what to do. The men in my family don't cry. Or at least not in front of their children. Especially their daughters.

"I love you and I don't want to have to abandon you but I can't... I can't have you here. I need to figure everything out. I need to get everything sorted out. I love you but this is what's best." He looks up and stands, leaning on the table heavily until he staggers to the other side of the table where I'm sitting pissed drunk and stiff from the shock of seeing him cry.

He stands right in front of me and grips my shoulders tightly. He leans over and looks me right in the eye, "don't ever forget me baby. Please don't ever forget me. Daddy's little girl..." He kisses my forehead and says that he's going to bed.
He's almost out of the room, gripping the counter and walls for support, when he turns around and says "your plane leaves in two days. Spencer will be here to pick you up at 4:30am on Wednesday. Don't keep him waiting. I'm going to be staying with Uncle Greg until then." He turned and slowly and clumsily walked out of the room.

He didn't turn back not when I whispered that I wanted to stay, not when I said I loved him, not when I said that I was going to miss him.

This is the last time I'll see my father for a long time I keep repeating those words in my mind over, and over, and over again.

The last time that he'll call me daddy's little girl for a long time. Maybe the last time period.
She'll be meeting the band in the next chapter maybe... I'll see. I'm not sure where this is going to go yet! Hope you enjoyed it :)

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