The one that she meets Steven

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Chapter 5

Okay. I'm going to go to a club. What do I wear? Oh my god what do I wear?!

"Um... Slash?" I ask uncertainly. My whole wardrobe is piled on my bed, floor and dresser and I still have no idea what to wear! None of my clothes seem appropriate to wear in the club scene, they all seem so... Good. And pure. And unrock n' roll. I've already done my hair and makeup in 5 minutes tops so I don't have to worry about that but the clothing... It's always been hard for me. I don't feel comfortable in my own skin, I always feel too bulky and fat, too tall. I don't own a pair of heels because of it, I'm 5'7 but when you add heels to that... I look like an Amazon.

"Yeah what Kat?" Slash pushes the door lightly open and finds me sitting in the middle of my room with the clothes surrounding me, tears in my eyes.

"I don't know what to wear! I'll fat look no matter what I wear so what's the point!" A tear rolls down my cheek and Slash looks alarmed. I guess he's not used to blubbering girls, I think. Markie never cries.
"Hey Kat, it's okay. And you are not fat! Come on. I will find you a perfect outfit." He leans down and pats me on the shoulder, "go fix your makeup. You messed it all up with your tears." I sniffle and do what he says, pulling myself up off the floor I give him a quick hug. "I know you're only doing this cause your fucking my sister, but... Thanks." I hurriedly leave the room and go into the bathroom, fixing my running mascara and eyeliner.

I walk back into my bedroom and see an outfit on the bed, a very short and very tight looking leather skirt that has to be Markies, my cowboy boots, a bandana, a thong and a lacy black- wait. I don't own a thong. "Slash? Why is there not shirt for this outfit? And who's thong am I supposed to wear?" I blush at the thought of wearing such sexy underwear, especially when a man picked them out for me.

He comes back in smiling and holding my favourite Mötley Crüe shirt in his hands. "You don't like the outfit? I thought it was nice, you'll fit right in the club. Now get dressed and quickly! I need to be at the gig about..." He leans into the hallway and looks at the living room clock, "five minutes ago. So move!" I grumble but grab the shirt out of his hands and push the door shut.
"Why did you make me wear this getup?!" I yell at Slash as we walk down the sunset strip, my skirt keeps riding up and he cut my favourite shirt! He cut the bottom off it making it a crop top and cut the neck into a very deep V. Let's just say that my double Ds don't want to stay inside the shirt tonight. And don't get me started on the thong. He made me wear it. I wasn't wearing it and as soon as I walked out he said "no. I said thong. Put it on. I can see your underwear, not sexy." So that is why I'm walking down the Sunset Strip feeling like a total whore.

"You look hot, Kat! If I wasn't already with your incredibly sexy sister id make a pass at you" he winks and slaps my ass making a loud sound when his palm hits the leather. "Oh shut up. You're just saying that cause you have to." I keep walking beside Slash until we come up to a bar called 'The Troubadour'. Slash walks up to the bouncer says something quietly that I can't hear and he lets us in, but not before stopping me and saying that he'd buy me a drink later. That was unusual. Guys never notice me. I'm just the boring, fat, virgin. "Come on Kat!" Says Slash from a couple paces ahead of me, he grabs my hand and drags me through the crowd of people, pulling me past the stage and into a back room.

"Well, well, well. Who have we here?" Says a deep voice. I look up and see a man with red hair looking at me with lust in his eyes, "I thought you had yourself a girl already Slash. The stripper." He looks at me again and let's his eyes linger on my chest. "Can I have this one?" He walks over slowly eyeing me like I'm his prey. I smirk at him and say "So I'm guessing that this is 'Anne Of Green Gables' herself?" He stops in his tracks and glared at me, he walks back to where he was sitting and picks up his bottle of beer while still managing to glare at me the entire time.

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