The one where she meets Slash

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Chapter 4

"KAT!" Screams my sister as she pulls me into her arms, her death grip nearly choking me. "Oh my god! I have so so so SO much to tell you! And I'm sure that you have stuff to tell me too! And I gotta work today but Slash will be home still so you can get to know him!" The words are coming out of her mouth so fast that I can barely keep up, she finally lets me go and starts jumping up as down, as if she's actually happy to see me. She's only having me cause dad doesn't want me. And is this "Slash" a person? What kind of a name is that?

"Um... Hi Markie... It's good to see you too. But I have a couple questions." I raise my eyebrows, asking permission to continue.

"Shoot!" She's still giggling and smiling and shaking her hands excitedly, in that bubbly dumb blonde way of hers.

"Well, first of all who's 'Slash'?"
"My boyfriend. He's super super super hot and in this amazing band! I'll tell you more about him later though, that's not important now!" She's calmed down slightly but is still smiling like a maniac.

"Okay..." Who the hell names their kid Slash? "Are you still a stripper?" Is the next question, I ask almost cringing as the words come out of my mouth. I look over at Markie and notice that the smile is slowly slipping away letting me see just how anxious she really is.

"Well... Umm... I think... Questions should wait until later. We need to get your bags and get you home." She looks away and starts walking towards the baggage claim leaving me to trail behind, always left behind.
"Hey Babe!" Yells Markie when we walk into her dingy apartment on the Sunset Strip, the walls are all pale yellows or blue with visible  smoke stains near the ceiling. I can't believe I left home for this. A grungy old apartment in America.
"What's going on Mickey! Did you find your sister, or leave her at the airport?" A man, who I assume is Slash, calls from one of the bedrooms at the back of the apartment. Markie looks over at me and smiles as widely as before, apparently not mad that I asked if she was still a stripper.

"Come meet him! You'll absolutely love him!" She giggles and grabs my hand pulling me down a short hallway and opening the bedroom door.

Laying on the bed, looking at the small TV in the corner of the room, is a shirtless man. He's holding a guitar, gently picking at the strings as if it's a habit. He takes a cigarette out of him mouth and drops it in an overfull ashtray, ashes slowly rain down to the floor mixing with the dust and ash already present. Slowly turning his head and brushing his hair out of his face, or well attempting at least, he looks at me and smiles.

A genuine smile. Not the kind of smile that you would expect from a muscular, guitar playing, chain smoking, long haired rocker.

"So your the little sister that Mar keeps talking about! You're certainly taller then your sister" he smirks when he says it and I think he winks, but it's kind of hair to tell with all of that hair. My sister scowls at him, her height had always been a sore spot for her coming in at a tiny 5'1. She grabs the pack of cigarettes and the lighter from beside him, "For that comment," she says slowly inhaling the smoke, "I'm gonna take your whole pack." She puts the pack in her pocket and walks out of the room, leaving me with this 'Slash' character.
"Wait! So you said he looked like Anne of Green Gables and he punched you in the face!" Im gripping my stomach and tears and running down my cheeks from laughing so much.
Slash isn't as bad I thought he'd be, actually that's an understatement. Slash is great. I've been here with him for a couple hours, a little awkward at first but then we started talking about music and his band and we started to warm up, we're acting like old friends now. He's funny and super sweet and at first I didn't know if Id like it here in California but if everyone is as easy going as Slash it won't be a half bad place to live.
"Oh shit what time is it?! It's um..." I glance at my watch and realize that it's still set for the time at home. "I'll go check the clock in the kitchen" I smile at Slash and stand up walking out the door.

"It's midnight!" I yell back at Slash.
"SHIT!" He replies loudly and I hear the bed creaking and something hit the floor. He runs out of the room and into the living room grabbing a pair of leather pants off of the couch and running back into the bedroom.

"What's the big deal Slash? Have somewhere to be?" I'm confused for a minute, wondering where he has to be so late at night, my sisters 'working' tonight so she has been out all evening, but as for Slash I don't know what he has to do.
"I have a gig!" He yells back loudly. "Where the hell is my other boot?" He mutters to himself walking out of the bedroom with one foot bare. He finds it under the kitchen table and grabs his guitar case, he walks to the door and grabs the handle "oh, and Kat if you get changed really quick then you can come too. Just hurry! Axl is going to kill me..." I bite my lip wondering if I should just let him go so this mysteries Axl doesn't punch him again, although calling him Anne Of Green Gables was sort of asking for it... "You can meet the band," he says smiling. "If I bring a pretty girl with me they won't be as hard on me" he winks and shoos me into the second bedroom to get dressed.

I'm going out to a club. To meet my sisters boyfriends band. Who would've thought that a girl from a tiny farming town would end up in the club scene of LA.

So this chapter was a little bit longer then the last one, I'll try to make them longer as I go on I just thought that this would be a good place to stop so that the next chapter can be all about meeting the band!

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