The One Told By Duff

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Chapter 9

**Duffs POV**

"Okay... Duff" my first dare of the night! I think happily, smirking at Kat. "I dare you to make out with the next person who walks past our door." she says mischievously and taking another swig of her drink.

"Okay fine, that's not too bad." I say smiling. I stumble slightly while getting up but we're all 50 shades of drunks, so no one else notices.

I hope it's that hot chick from down the hall.
I open the door and stand there for a while, everyone else tilting their bodies, so they too, can see the hallway. I see a big mass of black hair coming up the stairs. Shit. Am I going to have to kiss Slash? I mean it wouldn't be the first time but... It seems weird to make out with him in front of all our friends, especially since he's getting married...

"Hey man, why are you standing in the hallway with the door open?" Slash asks pushing some hair out of his face. Do I ever love the face. He's so sexy. I smile lightly and resist the urge to run my hand down his cheek.

I turn, raising my eyebrows questionably at Kat. Does she really expect me to make out with Slash in front of the whole band? She doesn't think this is strange? She smirks and nods her head, raising her own eyebrows.

I guess she doesn't think it'll be weird...

I take a deep breath and grab Slashs shoulders, pulling him towards to me. Our lips meet, and I can almost feel sparks, the energy between us undeniable. He can't resist it anymore than I can and grabs my hips pulling me even closer, our bodies pressing desperately against each other. My hands are buried in his hair and out mouths are still connected, making me moan slightly as I feel him getting harder against me. I pull away slightly to take a breath and rest my forehead against his own, our heavy breathing in sync. He leans his head up once more and pecks me on the lips, smiling at me, his big brown eyes glowing.

"I guess we're not getting married." I hear a voice say.

Shit... We're in the middle of the living room. With all of our friends standing around us. Fuck.

Slashs eyes widen and pulls away from me, noticing Markie standing in the hallway, scowling at us. Everyone is still for a moment, looking between Markie and me, and Slash. Waiting for something to happen.

"I'm getting the fuck out of here..." Mumbles Axl grabbing his coat and practically running out the door.
"Uh... I think we should go too..." Says Jett pulling Izzy up with her, "Do you want to come with us?" She asks Kat and Steven slowly.
"Yeah... I think we should..." Mumbles Kat, leaning on Steven for support.

And that quickly it's just me, Markie and Slash, left to engage in an extremely awkward conversation.

"So your gay? Wow. I can't believe that the guy who has stayed with me the longest is fucking gay! Gay. You're fucking gay. You're... Our entire relationship is a lie! You never loved me!" She starts to cry, but still manages to yell at us. How is that even possible? Girls are scary, scary creatures... "We were going to get married! You were going to marry someone that you didn't even LOVE! Why the fuck would you do that Slash?! Why? Why..." She grabs a Kleenex and begins to angrily wipe her eyes, turning them red as if she's high. "And YOU!" Oh yes, my turn at last! Can't wait to see what she has in store for me...

"How long has this been going on? Huh? How long have you been fucking my boyfriend? Before we even started dating? When? I always knew that you guys were close but... Is the whole band gay? Do you all have like... Gay orgys or-" Slash cuts her off at last.

"No! What the fuck Mar! The band isn't gay! I'm not gay, Duff isn't gay! And we sure as hell don't have 'gay orgys'! Where the fuck do you come up with all of this stuff? And I do love you!" No. You don't love her. You love me. I know and so do you. "And I'm still going to marry you and-" I can't hold this in anymore, my heart is breaking. Slowly cracking every time he reassures her. He's making it sounds like what we have isn't real! But it is! It's so so real. I've never felt this way about anyone, not a girl, not a guy, just Slash.
"No! I love you! You can't marry her! You fucking can't. You love me, and you know that. You fucking know it!" Now I'm crying, and probably look like a fucking pussy because of it. Of course he's going to pick Markie! She's gorgeous! And a girl. If we're together then we'll probably both get kicked out of the band... Fucking Axl.

"It's up to you Slash." Markie says from the doorway, "pick. Me or Duff. And if you pick one you can't talk to the other, can't touch the other, can't be near the other. So pick wisely Slash." And with those last angry words she slams the door and is gone.

"I love both of you Duff..." He whispers. "But sometimes love isn't enough. I choose..."

Hahaha CLIFF HANGER! Which probably isn't that exciting but anyways 😂

Sorry I haven't updated 😁 I've had to write stuff for English almost every night since school started and I just haven't had time to do this...

Thanks for reading, loves!

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^notice how i put comment twice 🌚

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