The one where she leaves

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Chapter 3

Packing for California
-Spencer's sweatshirt
-make up
-dads old denim jacket
-leather jacket

The list goes on. It's 3am on Tuesday night, Spencer will be here in an hour and a half. Dad isn't here. Dad isn't going to say good bye.

I love me dad. More then anyone or anything in the whole world. He's patient and caring and pushes me to do my best. He's my best friend and I wish that I didn't have to leave him. He told you to go I think he's making you go. He doesn't even love you. No. He loves me. Shut up!
I hit my head against the wall hoping that it will clear my thoughts when I hear a voice.

"What did you do that for Kit?"

It's Spencer. As soon as the words are out of his mouth I know that it's him. Of course he has to walk in on me hitting my head on the wall. Couldn't be when I was sitting here like a normal person. Or when I was packing my records. No. It has to be when I'm hitting my head against the wall.

I look over at him, my eyes light up as I look at his dark hair and smile at his lopsided grin. He's almost always happy. He's almost always at my house. He looks at me like a little sister, he was Markies best friend since they were kids. I don't know how he keeps himself happy all the time, his family is horrible. A bunch of drunks and drug addicts, so he spends most of his time here. I think he considers me and dad his family more than he ever considered his parents.

"I just have a lot on my mind is all..." I double check my list making sure that everything is checked off, sure enough it is. Another step closer to moving. I close the lid of my suitcase and try to do it up, it's not working out to well. You'd think with all of my farm muscles I'd be able to close a suitcase myself, but oh no.

"Let me get it Kit," Spencer moves from the doorway and over to the bed closing the suitcase up with ease. How does he do that?! I've worked just as hard as him on this damn farm yet I still look like I could barely lift my suitcase, while he has muscles galore. He throws the suitcase on the floor and climbs into the bed and under the covers pulling me with him.

This isn't unusual. We cuddle. It's what we do. He's my best friend too, when Markie left he had no other choice then to be friends with me. He was going to be at our house everyday wether we were friends or not but I guess it makes life less boring if you talk to the people whose house you're inhabiting.
"Sorry to cut your cuddle session short," I say pulling away slowly, "but I still need to do my hair. And then it's time... Time to go." I wiggle out of his grasp and he groans, I walk over to my vanity and starts teasing my hair, pouffing it way up and hair spraying the hell out of it. I'll need to buy some more hairspray when I get to Cali, this bottle's empty.

He meets my eyes in the mirror, "I love you. Don't forget me. Your sister forgot me. You can't forget me too." He blushes and looks away.
"I could never forget about you." Was all I said.

The drive to the airport was silent. When we got there he grabbed my suitcase out of the bed of his truck, kissed me on the cheek and left me.
Another person that's leaving me.
You're leaving him. The voice inside my head said, I wish it would shut up.
Next chapter you will meet at least one member of Guns! I promise, I just didn't want to rush it and I also wanted to tell you what kind of person Katarina is.

The One With Steven and Katarina (GNR Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant