Chapter 5

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"So this young man attacked you?" The a kind officer put his hand on Orae's shoulder.
Orae replied in a loud crying sound,
"Yes! He tried stabbing me but my friend took the stab instead..."
She still wasn't quite sure why Bluzi saved her life for a second time.
"Okay... By any chance do you know this person?" He asked, writing everything down on a notepad.
"I don't know...He had his hood on." Orae croaked between cries.
"Okay..." The officer out the notepad into his back pocket. "Do you want to come with us on the ambulance with your friend?"
She gulped, she wanted to be with Bluzi but she was also afraid to look at his bloody body.
"Yes... Please..." Orae stood up slowly, her legs still shaking from the state of shock she recieved.
"Alright... Follow me young girl..." The officer held her pale cold hand as he led her toward the biggest ambulance. He helped her in, then....

Then she saw Bluzi...

He was bleeding from his mouth and stomach area, where he got stabbed. He was barely breathing at all but the system strapped on his face prevented the thought of him stopping breathing. He was also very pale, like if he was scared to the limits of a inkling brain and then having his blood drained out.
"BLUZI!" Orae screamed as she rushed to him.
"Speak to me!" Orae cried as she placed her head on his chest.
"He's unconscious... Pretty bad amount of blood loss and a near puncture of the liver..." The jellyfish docter, who sat across of her matter in factly stated.
"He'll live but he will not quite be the same... With a such extreme amount of blood loss he could contract with many side-effects like high blood pressure, seizures and most deadly, squidoozies... "
(Me no know how make squid illness...)
The docter sighed and gently placed his hand on Orae's.
"You'll meet him again in no time..."

"Where am I?" Plat woke up with pain all over his face.
"You are being transported to court, where the jugs will decided your fate..." The officer sounded grim.
"Me? I will not stand by this!" Plat smashed the metal bars seperating the officer from Plat.
"Those are titanium! Break all you want!" The officer joked.
"Let me out!" Plat continuasly smashed the metal bars over and over again, until his hands were purple.
Over his years the officer had never seen a Juvenile act in such a way. Maybe something was wrong with him in such a way that it effects his mental awareness.
Maybe he should take him to the hospital instead...

Bluzi batted open one eye. He saw whiteness and a bright light shining down on his face.
'Was he dead?'
"Are you awake? If you are then are you going to stare at the ceiling forever" a familer voice rang by his side. He turns his head slightly to see Orae there with a letter in her hand.
"The docter said you were waking today! I had to come!" Orae laughed.
She felt over- relieved that he was okay.
"Waking from what?" Bluzi asked sitting up, only to find extreme pain from his liver area.
"DARUGH!" He yelled, clenching his stomach area.
"From that... I think it's Plat who stabbed you but I'm not sure..." She sighed.
"Oh I almost forgot! Here." Orae placed her letter on the table gently.
Bluzi reaches for it and opens the top with his fingernail. Inside he found a hundred dollar bill and a letter that looked formal.
He unfolded the trifold letter and read it out loud,

Dear Bluzi,
I am so very sorry for what happened to you a few days ago. I understand I was the one that was supposed to be injured and not you. Yet, you still save me despite the fact that I didn't give you much. I decided to give you my month allowance from my mother as a payment or a little sorry gift. I wish the best out of your health....

Orae the orange inkling-

Bluzi felt a tear slide down his eyes. The letter was the most touching and heartwarming thing he recieved in his entire life...
Orae have a lot to Bluzi despite having none for herself... She was a kindhearted soul that cared for him.
That's all he ever asked for in a girl... Not the ability to cook, sew, make money or even babysit.
Just a kindhearted person to care about him...
"Orae... I-I-I-I... I love you..."
Orae was unloaded by shock once again which started to make her sick.
"But... I'm the worst person to like.. Ask anybody that!"
"I don't need others opnion... I love you because you're cute and funny..." Bluzi smiled, softly stroking her tentacle-like hair.
"Is that why you saved me over and over?" Orae asked.
"Even if I hated you seeing one die is not my thing..." Bluzi huffed and lied back down.
"My head is rushing around in circles... It must be the heat in this room... Anyway, thanks for visiting me..."
"No problem..." Orae was blushing on her way out.

"Someone turn off the air conditioner! It's freezing cold in this room!" The docter shouted as he enters Bluzi's room.
(Get it? Bluzi felt hot because... You know what never mind...)

All those times Bluzi stood by her side, she didn't notice... Ever since first grade he was there for her... She never realized that because of popularity.
They could've been together for a long time ago....

'Im so stupid!' She thought banging her head on the hospital wall.

' I should've known...'

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