Chapter 10

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Sorry guys!
But saying sorry sucks so here's three good reasons why I was inactive-
1. Splatoon is addicting... So sorry...
2. I was inactive on Instagram for so long that I lost twenty followers...
3. School started and I'm tired...

So sorry again but at least you know why :P


"Bluzi? You're back?" Orae gasped.
"Yeah! I got sent home days ago and I wanted to visit you, but I decided a little surprise is more fun." Bluzi does his signature laugh, then shoots the blue inkling that had a sniper pointed at them.
"That's great! But... Why'd you choose orange?" Orae asked jumping into his embrace.
"So I can see you again..."
Something stirred in both of them after he said that. Orae had no control over her own body as she slowly moves her head closer to Bluzi. And....
"YOU TURDHEADS GONNA FIGHT ANYTIME SOON?!" One if their team-mates shout then immidiatly gets blown to bits by a suction bomb.
Orae immidiatly backs away from the kiss and scratches her hair, blushing.
"To be continued!" Bluzi says and super jumps away.
Orae smiles and resumes to take on the one who threw the suction bomb.
'what just happened?' She thought, but this time she was happy instead of grieved.

"Meow! (One more minute on the clock!)" Judd yells into the megaphone.
The battle seemed to be already over, with blue team already spawn camping their base.
"BLUZI! YOU GO LEFT I GO RIGHT!!" Orae yells before turning into a squid, avoiding the blast of a burst bomb.
She sidestepped, avoiding another blast and jumping aside just in time to miss a splatter by a roller.
She sharply turns around and explodes the owner of the roller.
"Meow mew! (Thirty seconds!)"
She couldn't fail now... Not in front of him...
She throws a sprinkler to the side and avoids a line of blue ink sloshing to her side.
"ORAE!!!" Bluzi yells from the midpoint.
Orae snaps her head up to see a ink strike heading straight for her.
She dives into her ink and nearly escapes a annoying delay of death.
Bluzi super jumps right next to Orae and immidiatly resumes splating paint.
"I need a little more ink to finish this!" Bluzi started tapping advanced code locations on his tablet getting ready to send the ink strike.
"Okay I'll cover you! PUSH FORWARD!" Orae yells shooting right into enemy territory.
Bluzi follows behind and covers all the area he can get access to.
"Ready!" Bluzi yells raising his finger dramatically to launch the ink strike.
Just then all four blue inklings jump down from higher grounds and splatter Orae in quick, slick movements.
The shock sent Bluzi flying backwards covered in blue ink, dropping his tablet about two meters away from him.
"Meow! (3)"
It was chaotic, blue ink flew everywhere as Bluzi crawls toward the tablet to press the launch button.
"Meow! (2)"
A wave of blue ink was right above him caused by the slosher from the top. Bluzi was only centimetres away from his tablet.
"Meow! (1)"
"ARRRRGH!" Bluzi screamed exploding into blue ink.

Orae looks down while Judd does his signature suspense jingle.
"Meow meow meow... (Blue team got 48% of the field covered...)" Judd wiggles his left flag hand which he has the blue flag in.
Orae sighed and tried to hide her face.
"Meow meow... (And orange team got...)"
The blue team acted like it was the end of the game already. Already coming up to orange team and brofisting everyone and telling them to improve on their skills.
Judd then flicks up te orange flag and meows very loudly,
"MEOW!!! (51.9%!!!)"
Orae looked up from her hands in surprise and springs up from the bench, hugging everyone.
Bluzi laughs and punches the blue team captain on the shoulder, then doing the same to the rest of the team.
"Meow meow meow meow meeeeow! ( it would've been a horrible loss if it weren't for that last second ink strike!)" Judd matter in factly informs the orange team and shakes everyone's hands.
"Meow meow meeeow. Meow meow meow... ( that was one of the most interesting matches I ever judged. And trust me I judge a lot...)"

Plis looks from afar and a small tear drop slides out of the side of his eyes. Now that Bluzi is back does Orae even want him to be her friend anymore? He dreaded the moment things return to normal... Then maybe everyone will not  talk to him anymore... Maybe...
He was scared...

Bluzi started blushing a little and spoke softer than he usually does,
"There's, something I've been meaning to tell you...."
"Okay!" Orae said.
"I... I... Maybe we should talk in private..."
Bluzi drags Orae into the family washroom and locks the door.
(Don't leave it's not gonna get dirty!!!! I wish we lived in an age where I didn't have to say that...)
"So what do you wanna tell me? That you LOOOOVE me?" Orae says in a mocking tone, but laughs afterwards
Bluzi didn't say anything much. He was blushed red as a tomato and was breathing heavily.
"Oh... I know what you want to show me now!" Orae laughs and drags Bluzi into her and kisses him straight on the lips for a extended period of time.
Bluzi blushes even harder and faints, his head landing in the toilet.
"OMIGAWD!" She yells pulling him out of the toilet and slapping his face.
"Y-y-you..." Bluzi started, then pulled her head into another long kiss.

"You read me like a open book."

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