Get to know your readers update

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Hey guys,

I just want you to know I am slowly making it through everybody to answer back and follow. I don't want you to think that I'm only answering and following back certain people. It's over a 1000 comments and this process is murdering my little fingers but I'm going to get to you lol.

Also I'm noticing some folks are trolls. If you tell me you read my work and I go on your timeline and I don't see not one like or comment, I am not wasting my time following you. It shows me, you're just using my chapter to promote your work. Not gonna happen on my watch.

Writers be very Leary of these folks who beg you for reads, claim they support but can't produce tell receipts.

Not saying some chapters you don't quickly read and don't vote because you get busy, but some people couldn't even tell you, your characters name but beg you to read. You go a month or two months back and they voted for all type of stories, except yours.

Most likely these are the people who see you in their feed and just comment to comment because they see you are popular.

Weed out the trolls and focus on real supporters.

It's just like the fools who haven't listened to testimony a day in their life but will be quick to tweet aug for a retweet.

😩😩😩 it's never that critical.

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