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Through the years I cried my tears,

Without your help I've faced fears.

And it's plain through tears I cry, That's its time to say goodbye.

A lot of things have changed between us

Maybe that's why my life seems so tough

Going each day from class to class

And all I can do is watch u pass

Everything has changed for the worst

And inside it really hurts

Now I have to rely on my friends

To get me out of this dark hole that never ends

A best friend should never put the anger and hatred in your eyes!

How many more lies will it take to see you aren?t even worth it??

If I was your best friend then why do you go out of your way NOT to see me??

Its not worth the cries over you when you don?t even care about me?

When you walk pass me, Its like you never even knew who I was?

All I want to do is kick your ass But my mom raised me better!

You say you don?t know what to do yet you do nothing about it?

For someone who is supposed to be my best friend, you sure know how to treat me wrong..

A bitch is a bitch, lets just leave it at that

You have NOTHING to say about our friendship!?!?

Why do you enjoy putting people down??

If I was dying?Would you even come to say goodbye??

Friends help you through the rough times, Not put you through them

"But thoughts they change and times they rearrange, I don't know who you are anymore.."

Our past is one to write about..

We were doing alright but then

you lied to me? and broke our trust

your apologies are some that I?m not sure

if I?m going to accept this time?

Just because somebody flirts with you, doesn?t mean they like you. Just because somebody likes you, doesn?t mean they want to go out with you. Just because somebody goes out with you, doesn?t mean they love you. Just because somebody loves you, doesn?t mean they won?t hurt you. Because people lie & things change. Boyfriends cheat, best friends leave, & there will always be those people that would kill to see you fall.

We used to be so close, and now we pass each other in the halls like we barely know each other. I used to come to you with all of my secrets, and we swore that no matter what we would remain best friends. A lot has changed this year, and it tears me up that somewhere along the way I lost you as a best friend. I don?t think that things can ever go back to the way they were before, and I can honestly say I?ll miss you.

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