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It?s a cruel thing you?ll never know all the way I tried. It?s a hard thing faking a smile when I feel like I?m falling apart inside. And now you?re gone, it?s like an echo in my head, and I remember every word you said. And you never were, and you never will be mine. For the first time, there?s no mercy in yours eyes. And the cold wind?s hitting my face, and you?re gone, and you?re just walking away? and I?m helpless.

You don?t know what goes on in anyone?s life but your own. & when you mess with one part of a person?s life, you?re not messing with just that part. Unfortunately, you can?t be that precise & selective. When you mess with one part of a person?s life, you?re messing with their entire life. Everything? affects everything.

i think when you?re young, you?re hoping that this person will be the right one, the one you?re going to be in love with forever. but sometimes you want that so much you create something that isn?t really there -Johnny Depp

I do understand the impulse. the impulse to put your hand out and want someone to be there at the end of your reach. to want someone to be close to. to want to kiss or touch even if it?s wrong. the point is you can?t control these feelings. even if they?re wrong, they?re still there. they?re always there.

What?s the point in screaming? No ones listening anyway.

I?m young and I?m hopeless? I?m lost and I know this? I?m going nowhere fast? that?s what they say? I?m troublesome, I?ve fallen? I?m angry at my Father? it?s me against this world and I don?t care.

She?s not the kind of girl who likes to tell the world about the way she feels about herself.

id it surprise you that I am not who you thought I was? Did it surprise you to find that I don?t exactly stand for what you thought I stood for all along? Did it surprise you to find that I?m not exactly how I played myself out to be? That the person you thought I was is actually nothing to what I am.

Everyone sees who I appear to be but only a few know the real me, you only see what I choose to show there?s so much behind my smile you just don?t know.

I like having low self-esteem it makes me feel special.

Take it from someone who?s fallen? it?s a long way down.

They say you need to pray, if you want to go to heaven. But they don?t tell you what to say when your whole life has gone to hell.

The only thing standing between me and total happiness is reality.

True strength is holding it together when everyone else would understand if you fall apart.

The only thing worse then being hated is being ignored. At least when they hate you they treat you like you exist.

There is something beautiful about all scars of whatever nature. A scar means the hurt is over, the wound is closed and healed, done with

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