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I?ve been walked on, used and forgotten and I don?t regret one moment of it because in those moments, I?ve learned a lot. I?ve learned who I can trust and can?t. I?ve learned the meaning of friendship. I?ve learned how to tell when people are lying and when they?re sincere. I?ve learned how to be a teenager, and how to grow up when I need to. I?ve been to hell and back a few times, and I won?t ever take what I have for granted.this is life, live it one day at a time. You never know how many days you?ve got left.

To all those girls who gossiped about me, to those that were my wake up call, to those close minded and misunderstanding, to the boy that broke my heart, and to those friends who turned out to be backstabbers and fake. You all challenged me to be the person I wanted to be. I am stronger because of all the stupid shit you put me through. No matter how much you put me through, you have unknowingly helped me out.

You got yourself into this mess, and you?ll get yourself out. You?re sorry? Yeah like I haven?t heard that one before. The minute you decided that I wasn?t worth the truth was the minute you decided to break my heart.

If you dont know me, dont judge me; nobody ever said you had to love me.

The similarity between loving and hating is that they both involve lots of emotions

Fake; it?s the latest trend, and everyone seems to be in style.

Fear of something is at the root of hate for others, and hate within will eventually destroy the hater.

she was the best friend there ever could be she used to be best friends with only me now someone else has taken my place it feels like a stinging slap right on the face.

sometimes your [.Best friends.] are really enemies in disguise.

So if I have to leave you, I want you to know that in the end, it wasn?t because I stopped caring. It was because you stopped being a friend.

Best friends are like diamonds, *PrEciOuS* and *RaRe* False friends are like leaves, found everywhere.

False friends are like our shadow, keeping close to us while we walk in the sunshine, but leaving us when we cross into the shade.

You could care less about me-

I know I know you don?t give a fuck ? it shows

Don?t come crawling to me- when it ends

I used to actually feel like- your best friend

you gotta deal with the shit people do

not everyone in life is gonna stay true.

I miss you so much..

you were my best friend

Even though we were little

my memories of us will never end

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