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Its funny how you can be hurt so bad

from the person you least expected it from

Nowadays there?s no honor, only drama.

Your friend today can be your enemy tomorrow.

I?m not like them. I don?t stab people in the back.

You hurt me, I?m warning you

Ill be the next friend you lack.

It?s funny how you can grow away from your friends

when just a few years ago they were

the most important people in your life.

Some people don?t deserve the

memories you share with them

Things change, and so do I.

friendships change too, I always wonder why?

To forget a friend is sad.

Not everyone has had a real friend.

The list just keeps getting

[[shorter and shorter]]

and there?s fakes around every corner.

It?s amazing when two strangers become the

best of friends, but its sad when the

best of friends become two strangers.

I remember a lot about us.

Those memories are faded now

but I wont forget them.

The people who hurt me the most

were the people who swore

they never would.

Some people don?t catch on

they rather just pretend*

While things are going smooth

they smile and call you ?friend?.

Funny how you never know who

cares until it hurts,

and when it?s over, does it

matter who blew off who first?

Its funny how your worst

enemies always seem to turn out

to be all your best friends.

As soon as you start to let go

they start to catch on?

when they come back (like always)

laugh in their face and never give in?

they should?ve realized what they

had before they said good-bye?sucks for them.

Life takes your dreams and turns

them upside down. Friends talk

about you when you?re not

around. People make promises that

they never keep and Ive

come to realize talk is cheap.

Trust takes years to build

and only seconds to shatter.

To the ones who chose to stab me

in the back, stay fake. You always were.

What goes around comes around.

That?s what people say.

so To my friend?for all the pain you caused me

will come back to you someday.

Sometimes I feel like my friends

turn against me when their other

friends are around

The only difference between your

friends and your enemies is you

know who your enemies are.

Friends might be ?glued? to

each other but eventually

that glue starts to become old and come apart

?just like real friendships?

The list just keeps getting shorter

and shorter and there are fakes

around every corner.

I wanna tell you how you did me wrong

but now I?m only back to square one.

I?m giving you all my trust back

again and hoping you?ll still

be my best friend. I cant take the

pain anymore. You lied and made me

so unsure but I want you to be here

by my side. Now, cant we be

best friends and ditch the lies?

It?s never your enemies that get you

It?s always your own people

When shit goes down, sides are taken.

That?s when you find out who

is real and whose faking.

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