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Rock bottom is good solid ground, and a dead end street is just a place to turn around.

She could shut out the whole world, including herself.

Our scars have the power to remind us that the past is real.

Sometimes I feel like no one cares. Sometimes I feel like no one is there. Sometimes I want to kill myself. Sometimes I think I need some help. Sometimes I feel like I?m alone. Sometimes I?m in an empty zone. Sometimes I feel like I?m not alive. Sometimes I wonder if I?m deprived. Sometimes I think the world should end. Sometimes I think I have no friends. Sometimes I want to make them see that sometimes I wish I wasn?t me?

I?m so broken. not half full, not half empty, not ever cracked. I?m just broken. I can?t exist anymore. I can barely function. there?s nothing left to me. and I don?t care.

Cutting is a stepping stone for me. All my life I have been put through so much emotional pain and ive let myself just sit and drown in it. I cant physically or emotionally do it anymore. So I cut. It temporarily takes my pain away until I am able to remove myself from all feeling. I am detached from everything right now? I am numb.

Please don?t blame yourself for any of the stupid shit that I choose to do. None of this is your fault. I?m the one who makes these bad decisions so I?m the one who pays the consequences.

They didn?t know that she was planning something. Most people thought she was perfectly fine. She was good at pretending?but some people knew she wasn?t okay but they didn?t realize how bad it was. She would party every weekend. She was border line alcoholic rarely going 48 hours without being 100% sober. She tried finding comfort in anything even if that meant fucking some guy she just met one night while she had been drinking. Everyday was going by as a blur. They didn?t know that she cried herself to sleep every night. They didn?t know that she had practiced cutting herself so many times. They didn?t know that she had written and rewritten letters to all the people she cared about most telling them she loved them and apologizing. She even wrote one to the person who was most important to her, who wouldn?t understand what had happened because she was to young. She wanted her to know it wasn?t her fault and she loved her dearly. They just didn?t know. They found her surrounded? in her own blood. They finally knew? they finally realized that she really wasn?t okay and the rumors, and the fake friends, and the guys who liked her for all the wrong reasons, and the family, and the lies, and the unperfect body that she saw that everyone else thought was close to perfect, had gotten to her. She finally had the courage to press down hard enough? and they finally knew that she planned this.

It?s not how tragically we suffer but how miraculously we live.

Life and death are balanced on the edge of a razor.

I?m not gonna give a fuck anymore? If you hurt me, I?m gonna hurt you. That?s how it?s gonna be from now on?

How can you hide from what never goes away?

One morning you wake up afraid to live.

There?s a smile on my face but I don?t know why it?s there? I put it on to satisfy all the people that don?t even care.

I?m often silent when I am screaming inside.

The deepest people are the ones who?ve been hurt the most.

Someone once asked me, ?Why do you always insist on taking the hard road?? I replied, ?Why do you assume I see two roads??

Wear a mask that grins and lies, it hides our cheeks and shades our eyes. The debt we pay to human guile, with torn and broken hearts, we smile.

Sometimes I feel like nobody has held me down and forced me to cry or made me hug them, or seen to the inside of me. I just say ?oh I?m fine? and walk away. Nobody?s ever said to me ?no you?re not?.

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