meeting new people

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All night staring at the ceiling
counting the minutes I've been feeling this way
so far away
and so alone...
But you know its alright I came to my senses let go of my defenses
there no way im giving up this time
yea you know im right here
I'm not loosing you this time
And im all In

~All In by lifehouse


Liam pov

" Hurry lads were going to be late ," I hollered. Honestly I gave them a heads up earlier.

They're  not chicks to be taking forever on what to wear. It's  was bloody 6:55pm. Either way seeing how close we are well probably be five minutes late. Although I'm not happy about being late, well still get there pretty fast.

" Were all ready except for mr I-need to-look-good-for-tonight!" Harry stated mimicking zayn's words.


Couldn't he have done that about two hours ago. Clearly he values his two hour naps.

" ZAYN HURRY UP STOP TAKING YOUR BLOODY TIME!" My throat was hurting from all this yelling i was doing. Just then his bedroom door opened and an annoyed zayn stepped out. After lecturing them as i normally do, we all left. The sun had already settled and it was dark by the time we managed to start heading over there. This big cabin came into view.

"Great I doubt they'll have enough seats."

The huge cabin where the meetings are being held seemed entirely full. I was right, they barely had enough room, good thing i had a great eye to spot empty seats. Lucky for us i found a whole section empty. As everyone was settling down i noticed four girls walking toward us. I realized there was more than enough room for both our groups.

" Mind if we sit here?" One of them asked.

" Not at all." I flashed her a genuine smile then turned to the lads. I couldn't stare at her seeing how speechless I was left. She was beyond gorgeous, those crystal blue eyes left me at awe.

"Thank you and my names Ashley by the way " she pipped up. Ashley... the name suits her well.

" Nice to meet you my names Liam- Liam payne." I greeted and extended my hand to shake hers. Politeness is something I live by and learned living with pure women in my family.
Talking to her distracted me from some of the announcements made. Eh. Maybe there not important as talking to Ashley right now.

" That's a lovely name and your last name is pretty unique," she complimented. Payne sounds like pain, maybe she's thinking it's actually spelled like pain.

"Yeah. It's different I'll admit," I chuckled.

"Are you here alone or with friends?" She questioned quirking an perfectly shaped eyebrow at me.

"I'm actually here with my boys ."

Huh what would be the outcome of us hanging out later. That'd be

"Maybe we can hang out some time."

"Yeah that sounds great." My lips tugged up at the idea and the fact that I get to see her again.She smiled and just then the boys started shaking my arm. i looked at them and gave them an annoyed look.

" What. "  Can they nit see im in the middle of a conversation.

"Woah there mate, lets go the meeting finished," Louis said. I then saw everyone standing up and i looked back at Ashley.

"Hopefully we bump into eachother. "

" We sure will," she said then winked at me.This left me amused and pretty content. We walked back to our cabin but throught the whole time i couldn't stop thinking about her.

*Summer camp * 《 boys vs girls》Where stories live. Discover now