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Easy come

easy go

That's just how you live

Oh take, Take , Take it all

But you never give

Should of known you were trouble

from the first kiss had your eyes wide open

Why were they open

~ Grenade by Bruno mars

Harry POV

Once I had awaken I find myself in the foeest. I didn't understand what happened My leg was hurting and well everything. Last thing I remember was someone kicking me and a girl laughing calling me names. What! I remember what happened.


I was holding hands with Jade beginning to grow nervous. "Hey harry lets walk around for a bit yea?" She said with that perfect smile. I couldnt just say no to that cute face. "Sure love so tell me again why you wanted to swim early ," I asked . She smirked "Because i like the cold water," she said with a laugh to it. I raised my eyebrow. " So your cold blooded," I said joking around. I saw her stare at something or someone . I turned around just to get a punch to the face. I fell but got back up to fight back. I threw multiple punches to his face. Just then something hard hit me from behind. I fell to the floor and saw the only people there was jade, me and the guy. I couldnt fight him off since my head was severely hurt. The guy walked torward me and the light hit his face revealing himself. He had dark black hair with really pale skin and dark green eyes and was buff and probably can beat me up. I looked up just to see him and her making out. My heart shattered and I coukdnt believe I let her play with my heart . The worst thing is I put her infront of my friendship making me drift away from them. I then heard her laughing at me ," Hahahaha He's so pathetic."

He then walked closer and kicked me .


I couldn't stand up and crawling would make it worst. I then heard someone approach me and I just tried to hide. "Jesus! What happened!" I heard a female voice yell. I opened my eyes and saw her eyes where piercing through my skin. "Are you okay?" She said with pure concern in her voice. I gave her a weak smile. "Thank you..." was all i managed to say. "Here let me call my friends to help?" She said as she began to dial numbers. After making all 3 calls I began feeling more pain. I then looked up at her and noitced something. Her eyes , her hair, her body figure , and her voice . I then realized this is the girl I first laid eyes on. "Rose..." I said unsure. She instantly looked at me "Im sorry have we met."

I knew she didnt know me and I might not know enough about her but I want to get to know her. Just then 3 other gitls arrived. The bonde girl I think named Ashley , some tall chick came too, and then Breana showed up . I felt bad for breana though she was in the same situation and I jist left her there since I was in a rush to see jade. I looked at her and saw she was concerned for me but was still angry. "I'm so sorry breana," I said with sincerity. She gave me a nod which ment she forgave me. I then got a huge pain in my rib when theu tried to lift me up

The pain was unbearable and I couldnt stay awake . Aftwr they lifted me up my body gave up on me and I blacked out.


After I left zayns cabin I went out of my daily runs. I happened to go a different direction . I went through the woods and someyhing caught my attention it was a girls Wristwatch. I then heard someone groan in pain. I walked toward thebperson and saw a young man there beat up badly. I tried to help him but he was hurt badly. "Rose?"

I looked up at him surprised . How did he know my name I dont even know his. I felt bad honestly "Have we met before?" He tried smiling but failed "Thank you..." was all he managed to say. I smiled and called up the girls who came in no time. I saw Breana giving him a death glare. "Im so sorry," He said .She just nodded and we tried lifting him up. I noticed his eyes were closed and his body was harder to lift up. Its as if he blacked out. "You guys he's I think he passed out," Ashley said. " Lets judt get him up and take him to our cabin," I said sounds concerned for him. We some how managed to lift him up and take him to Our cabin. I laid him in my bed and he seemed to move a lot though. So I had to put pillows around him. I then focused my eyes on his bruises and the dried blood on his face. Who could of done this? Poor him it seemed as if he didnt have a chance looking at the bruises left. "Hey I have the disinfected liquid and towels," Breana said as she handed me the stuff. His body seemed so delicate and seeing him like this made him look dead. "J-jad....." Was all he managed to say before he fell back to sleep or as I would say knock out again. I then cleaned up his dry blood I noticed some blood by the edge of his lips. His lips look so soft and pinkish. I didnt even look away they seemed so tempting. "Hi," He said as I snapped out from looking at his lips. "Oh hey ummm how are you feeling," I said sounding nervous. He chuckled and grinned big," Im doing fine Names harry by the way," He said In his british voice. Hot!!!! "Oh right names Ro- wait you know that already so Umm back to this What happened," I said sounding serious. He gave me a weak smile and told me everything. By the end of it I was fuming with anger you see I never have gotten along with jade. I actually met her in High school and she was the queen Bee. She's nice when she wants to be but can be a total bitch when she wants to. I'll admit when I first came here to camp harry got my attention. I looked away and thought he was looking at me but I honestly doubted it. I then went to the kitchen and got some water for him. When I came back he was trying to stand up and some how managed to stay up for like about a minute. I guess thats good progress hahaha. He gave me a weak smile and thanked me again.


I forgave him since he was in pain and I dont hold grudges. I walked over to niall to inform him when I bumped into Jade. I already knew her and I didnt like her. "Watch were your going!" she said pushing past me. "Bitch," I murmured. She stopped in her tracks and turned to face me. "Excuse me!" She said walking back to me. "Your excused," I said with a smirk. She rolled her eyes and seemed to get angrier. "LOOK! Here bitch dont smart mouth me here i'm not in the mood for any bullshit!" She said almost looking like she wanted to beat me up. Hahaha funny thing is I can beat her up Im a natural black belt.

"Watch your tone when your talking to me!" I said snapping at her. I saw her sigh in frustration and storm off. Whats her problem!?!?!

*Summer camp * 《 boys vs girls》Where stories live. Discover now