New beginning

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Years later



Breana Pov

"Babe lets go!" Niall announced trying to hurry me up. 

"You try getting these little ones to stay," I scowled trying to dress up little Jamie. She kept squirming and almost got out of my grip but I already knew her tricks.

"Jamie stop it!" I said making her huff. Man this girl has attitude.

"Dont you hmp me," I gasped making her laugh at my weird face.

"Mommy is weird and cwazy," she blurted out making me laugh.

"Yes I am," I proudly admitted.

"Babe im hungry and were late as it is," He announced.

"Well Jamie here is a fighter and won't let me dress her up," I stated looking down and noticed she already had her dress on. She gave me the same signature smirk her dad has. Ohh... She's good.

"B-but you wouldn't-"

"Babe," He complained. I huffed and eyed her as she smiled at me sweetly.

Sometimes I feel as if she got her dads personality and Carter got my personality. I can't believe he's already 6. There pretty big now. Jamie is like 4.

"Let's go," I announced carrying Jamie. She squealed in delight and clapped her hands.

"Breana. Babe Carter is taking the rest of my food! " Niall complained. I laughed at the sight and shook my head.

"Well your his dad so you could say something," I reminded him.

"But then he's going to get all grumpy," he whined.

"Carter," I said sternly. He ended up giving Niall his food back.

"Im so hungry,"he stated.

"They got your stomach," I beamed at Niall who smiled proudly.

"Well then that screams buy food constantly," he joked. He's such a weirdo and all mine.

"Babe we need to hurry or else we won't go where we have to later on. everything's packed right? " I questioned making Niall nod in confirmation. I wonder how the girls are doing with their family.




"Darcy honey seriously you need to stop writing on the wall," I said sternly as my Darcy nodded. I sighed knowing she wasn't getting the point. Hmm lets see what should I say. An idea popped into my head and I had to put a serious face on.

"Honey if you keep writing on the wall well I guess im going to have to take your stuffed unicorn," I taunted making her eyes widened in shock. I can't believe Harry bought our daughter a huge unicorn stuffed animal. It's so cute and really meaningful.

"Okay mommy! I pwomise,"she stated holding her right hand up. I smiled and pecked her forhead.

"Alright now go change out of your Pj's so we can go to the big surprise," I beamed. I was so looking forward to it. Harry came in with his box of what he calls Fun. Its just board games and coloring books for the kids. I Looked at Harry and he winked at me causing my cheeks to heat up. Even though we've been together for a while and have a kid it still feels like the first actually time we met and liked eachother. I'm so glad we were past what happened. Nothing can compare to the life I'm living right now.

"Babe let's go this time I actually want to get there in time," he whined sticking his lower lip out. Aww how cute.

"Harry stop acting like a little baby. We only have one and she's right here," I taunted carrying my little Darcy.

"Yeah!" she beamed making us laugh.Harry was right by my side and smiled at both of us.

"I love you," he whispered and of course I whispered it back. He leaned in and kissed me slowly.

"Ewww," Darcy complained making us both chuckle and break apart.

"Yeah I hope you still say that when your in your teens," Harry stated tickling her.

What a family we are! ♥

Ashley Pov



"I'm Batman!" Little Oliver yelled as he tried to jump off the bed to fly. I've seen many times when he's tried that and Luckily I caught him everytime.

"Oliver Stop," I scowled carrying him. He began to cry so I had to rock him back and fourth until he atleast stopped.

"Honey you need to stop jumping off the bed," I nicely stated. He rubbed his eyes and nodded his head. Awww he's sooo cute with his Hazel eyes.

"I want cookie," he whined. Oh boy does he love cookies. It's like an alcoholic wanting Alcohol but the only difference and I know its stupid to compare the two things but he will do anything for a cookie. Last time he cried for an hour till I gave in. Then he climbed the counters just to get one. Hes a cookieatic. Yeah im cool cause I make up my own words.

"Just one though," I sternly stated.

"Yesh!" I beamed.

Elizabeth Pov

"Let's go," I beamed playing with my baby boy who's Five.

"He looks alot like you," Toby commented as we drove off. It's true though our baby boy has my nose and the color of his hair resembles mine. But he has Toby's eye color and mouth shape. He gorgeous. My little Vince.

"Mummy I want juice," he pipped up clapping his hands. He sure loves his fruit juice caprison.

"Here you go baby boy," I beamed handing him his juice pouch.

Toby glanced at me and chuckled. I smiled and went back to my game playing flappy bird. Stupid little bird.  I was tired and decided to just sleep a bit since last night I didn't sleep at all due to my work. I had put on some spongebob for Vince and he was into watching it that he didn't complain or make a big fuss. Usually he throws his tantrums but spongebob really does the trick in keeping a kid occupied during a car journey with a five year old.

"You excited," Toby blurted out catching my full attention and making me open my eyelids to look at him.

"I really am," I admitted. Today is a well deserve break and I think we all deserve it.

Third POV



Few hours later



As the gang mets up they all greet eachother. Along with their family's and begin to set up their Rv's along the parking area. They set up their own tents and helped eachother. Liam, Harry, Niall, Louis,Zayn Toby began to start a fire. The girls laughed at how long it took the guys to start a fire.  Eleanor had actually made a campfire since she knew how to do one. Louis gapped at her impressed. The gang had planned a day to camp since it would be a great experience again. Breana smiled at Niall who was starring at her in a loving way. Ashley was wiping the ketchup off of Oliver. Liam smiled seeing his family and how lucky he is. Even though Danielle was apart of my life his life he was always in love with Ashley.  He couldn't forget about her even if he tried. Which he actually tried since he knew he shouldn't fall for her. He thought she could hurt him. He now knows how stupid that thought was since she did nothing but turn his life upwards. Harry was laughing with Zayn despite the whole rose thing they managed to get passed that. Zayn was happily in love with Perrie and their daughter who's 11 and With there son Owen who's 5. Perrie is currently pregnant three months on the go. Harry also is happily in love with rose and Darcy is prove of their love. The gang who's swimming and end the night with roasting marshmallows. Everything couldn't go more according to what they would of wished for. To say everyone was happy was an understatement they were all great.

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