Chapter 2 - Losing Royalty

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I'm finally back home with my wife and fam after going to jail for some dumb ass nigga that should've been dead a long time ago. While in jail, I just chilled and got closer to God. I know I ain't perfect and my mouth filthy, but ain't nobody but God keeping me and my family here.

I told Mac we'd start going to church and shit. We went sometimes in the past, but not enough. A nigga don't even like getting up early, but my baby thought it was a good idea. She used to pray with me before leaving the prison, so I know she gone enjoy it. Anything for my baby.

Right now, she's got me at some store trying to find outfits since we're going out of town for a lil while. The kids gone with their siblings before school starts, except Royalty of course, but all she does is sleep so I can deal with her little beautiful self. MJ and Ken are with Nathan since he has two more weeks before he returns to college in South Carolina, and Maliah went back with her grandmother in Texas. The twins are staying with Malin since they wanted to be close to the house.

"You like it baby?" Mac came out of the dressing room in a navy blue, her favorite color, dress with this lol gold belt around it. I been with this woman since I was 19 and she still the more beautiful girl I ever seen. It's crazy

"I love it ma." I winking rubbing my hand over my small dreads I'm trying to grow back. She blushed and went back in the dressing room.

Minutes later she came out in her original two piece lil outfit on with her Citrus Low's. I smiled and paid for our stuff. We went straight to the air port and boarded our flight to Colombia where we'd meet Ky and Kayda. They have to meet with a connect tomorrow, but afterwards they'll take Royalty to it next stop, New York, for two weeks until we come. I'm gone miss my lil baby, but I'm positive she'll be alright with her uncle.

I kissed her small checks making her stir in her sleep a little. Mac was asleep beside me in the hotel bed. I looked at the clock and it's 2 a.m. but I can't even sleep. She looked so peaceful. I got bored watching tv so I shook her lightly.

"What Messiah?" She said in a grumpy tone.

"I can't sleep." I said tryna sound sincere. In all reality I just wanted to spend time with her while Royalty was asleep.

She rolled her eyes and made her way to the bathroom. She only had on one of my shirts. She looked so good and she didn't even try. A little while later she came out looking less sleepy and the took her cap off of her bob. I was mad when she cut her hair at first, but she looks even better with short hair.

"So what you wanna do?" She sat down on the bed in front of me folding one of her legs under the other. I shrugged pulling her into my lap. She rested against my body, but I made her get up because soon she'd be knocked out again on my chest.

"Let's go walk on the beach." I said nodding towards the huge window that had a clear view of the ocean.

"Oh no, Royalty is a light sleeper so I'll let her sleep while she's sleeping." I sighed and laid back against the headboard

"I been in prison for 5 years and you can't entertain your man nomore?" I teased smirking at her. There was nothing else to do, plus we had more than enough rooms in this house I rented for our stay.

She smirked grabbing my hand and leading me to the room across the hall while grabbing Royalty's baby monitor. She threw it on the dresser and pushed me against the wall. Her short ass could barely meet me for a kiss so I picked her up and we got down to business.


"Baby you got everything?" Mac asked slipping her bright red Louis Vuitton heels on. I nodded looking at my Tom Ford watch. She's been getting ready since 6:30 and it's almost 8.

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