Chapter 22 - Family??? Part 2

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"Baby wake up." Cartel shook Vanessa's lifeless body.

"So she isn't your sister? What kind of sick shit y'all got going on?" Messiah jacked Cartel up against the wall.

"Toni is my fucking sister."

"You got a lot of explaining to do and I ain't got time right now." He ordered Carter and DJ to take Cartel down to the basement. Vanessa's body was taken out of the back door so none of the kids could see. The dinner was ruined and everyone begin leaving. Christmas break was ruined, too.

Mackenzie grabbed Toni's shoulder as she was about to step out of the door.

"If I find out you tried to betray me, it's gonna take everything in me not to kill your ass." She threatened.

"I promise I had no clue. I'm sorry for ruining this." Toni said on the brink of tears. She witnessed Vanessa get killed right in front of her eyes. She just knew she was next.

"Go." Mac demanded. She slammed the door behind Toni and went upstairs to get the kids ready for bed. Ken and MJ were already in their rooms for the night, but Royalty was wide awake.

"Hi mama's baby." Mac cooed over her baby. What the hell would she tell Royalty when she got old enough to understand? Messiah couldn't stand in Cartel's place, that would only cause more drama. He was technically her father, but DNA  said otherwise. She couldn't believe she had a child by someone so crazy, and she couldn't forgive herself for what she was about to do

Mac put Royalty to sleep and made her way to the basement ignoring everything around her. She has to do this.... For the sake of her family. She wouldn't be betrayed again. She couldn't take another mf turning their backs on her, so Mac pulled out her gun and went into the room Cartel was tied up in.

"Fuck you want?" He spat with dried up tears on his face.


"Why what?!" Mackenzie shot him in his foot making Cartel Yelp out in pain.

"Start talking, now."

Cartel weighed his options, and he knew the only reason Mac might let him go is because of the fact that she didn't want her child to be fatherless. He felt like Messiah couldn't take his place.

"Maurice." Was all he said.

"What about him? I don't have time to beat around the bush."

"He was me and Toni's only family member left. He was everything to us and y'all took him away. Now that soon to be bastard child of yours wasn't planned.. I actually got love for you. I just wanted to ruin your family cause you ruined mine."

"Bastard child huh? At least you know your fate." Mackenzie giggled getting a gun from the shelf.  "Maurice was gay ok? And he was gonna kill someone else. He was like my second father and he tried to be, literally." Mackenzie laughed a little thinking back on that day.

What is that?" He looked at me confused. I shrugged and we gave each other a look

We heard footsteps and we both turned our attention to the doorway. I pulled my gun from my clutch and Messiah had already had his AK dug from the floor board. I slipped my feet out of my 7-inch heels and decided to go barefoot. I'll never try running in those.

"The dynamic duo is back," a voice said from the doorway. We kept quiet until Alaya's unconscious body was thrown into the room. I gasped and ran over to her with my gun still in hand. She had obviously been drugged because she was in and out.

Suddenly, a tall muscular frame stepped in the door and I looked at every detail until I saw a large gun pointed right at me. I looked back down then at Messiah who had the gun pointed at him.

"Why do you have my child?!"

"Because you took my man," his deep voice boomed through the room

"What the hell are you talking about?!"

"Ever since I met you he hasn't been spending time with us a the damn trap. He only wants to be around you and those kids, especially that one," he points at Alaya

"What's your point?"

"He's supposed to be with me!" He yelled waving the gun in my face, "I didn't want to be around you 24/7 being your slave, I wanted him! And all he wanted was you. You were all he cared about. I'm tired of waiting on my moment.... I had her kill your child, you killed her, so now I gotta kill you," he took the safety off of the gun and pointed it at my head

"You don't have to do this Maurice,"

"If I don't do it, I won't get him," I looked up at Maurice who had tears streaming down his face with the gun pointed to my head. I was crying too looking at Alaya who had yet to wake up

"You think he'll forgive you after this?!" Messiah yelled looking at at Maurice like he had two heads.

"No," he pushed me to the floor and fired a shot into Alaya's body. He pointed the gun to his head and fired a single shot. His brains colored the room bright red. He was gone

"Oh my god," I cried holding Alaya's bloody body in my hands. I went numb. I saw Messiah yelling at me but I couldn't move. It was too much. I felt him pick me and Alaya up together and put us in the car. We drove at least 130 mph.

"But I guess you didn't know he shot himself."

Cartel looked up confused

"Yea.... Blew his brains out right in front of me and shot my baby. So how dumb do you feel, huh? All this for nothing!"

Messiah bit his lip watching Mac pimp slap Cartel around and he couldn't help but think how sexy she still was after all these years. It was a fucked up time, but her aggressiveness turned him on.

Mac quickly beat Cartel unconscious and threw his body over the back gate. She couldn't bring herself to kill him... Yet. She'd do it slowly but surely. And Toni wasn't exactly off the hook either.

"You gone go talk to Milly? She's been crying for the last hour and I can't sleep with all this commotion coming from her room." Carter vented following his mom and dad back up the stairs.

"Nigga go to bed." Messiah smacked the back off his son's head and wrestled with him into his bedroom. Of course they'd be playing after a long night of drama.

It was now 2 a.m. and Camilla was still going on and on about her life into Sincere's shirt that was soaked. She whined and cried for 2 straight hours and he was getting tired.

"I can't believe this... My whole life is a lie!" She said through tears

"Camilla! Shut the fuck up, now!" She stopped immediately looking at him in shock.

"Why are you yelling at me?" She sniffled

"You're being a bitch, babe."

"Oh hell no you wil-"

"If anything you should be happy your mom even kept you and Carter after she found out a rapist got her pregnant. She could've aborted y'all. And Messiah.. He worships the ground you, Lay, Maliah, Royal, and your mom walk on. I wish my mom was there to take care of me when I was coming up, and you're crying because of this?"

"I have a reason to be upset! She didn't tell us any of this." Camilla retorted

"Who would wanna talk about them getting raped?!" Camilla felt like a child under his gaze. He was right. All Mackenzie wanted was for her kids to have even better than she did, and not telling the twins about their dad was something she soon forgot about since Messiah stood in that gap. He was there from day 1. He was their dad.

"Okay maybe I overreacted.." Camilla tried wrapping her arms around Sin.

"Ya think?" He threw her arms to get side and left the house altogether.

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