Chapter 18 - ✌

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"Oh God, Sincere." I held Sin's hand crying at his bedside. He got into something with some dudes making a drop and he's currently in a coma... Has been for 2 weeks.

The doctors say he probably won't make it, but I know he's strong. Mama always told me to pray about stuff like this and I have everyday.

I looked over at Carter who was knocked out with his mouth wide open. I wiped my face and checked my phone to see texts from Donny asking me to go out somewhere, but I just wasn't in the mood.

"Hey baby girl." Sean came in the room with McDonalds

"Hey Sean." I smiled lightly taking the bag. Of course Carter woke up when he smelled the food. Niggas

"Thanks for being him for him Camilla. Your all he's got honey." I smiled nodding.

Sin and I are closer than me and Carter almost, even though he hasn't always looked at me as his 'sister'. His issues lie deeper than just his mom dying, which is why I'm going to sit here and be here for him until he wakes up. Only Sean and I know why Sin is really the way he is, but not because he doesn't want anyone to know. No one just never noticed him, they never do.

"Cam." I turned around to see Donny standing at the door. I sighed and let go of Sin's hand. Donny followed me outside the door. We walked aimlessly but ended up near the cafe.

"Wassup." I said quietly

"You don't answer my calls and texts for a week and ask me wassup?"

I raised an eyebrow at his tone of voice.

"Donald I don't even know where that phone is right now."

"So what you putting him before me? What's with you and this nigga? You-"

"Donny you better watch your mouth for real. Sean and I are all Sincere has." I cut in

"And you all I got too Cam, but you know what? If this where you wanna be then I'm gonna let you. I'm good on everything."

"Donny." I sighed rubbing my hands on my face, and when I looked back up he was gone. I sighed and went back to the room.

"Baby girl! Baby girl, he's up!" Sean was leaning out of the room door waiting on me. A smile instantly came on my face. Sin was up adjusting his eyes to the light. I helped him as he tried to sit up

"I'm so happy you're up Sin. How do you feel?" I bombarded him with questions as soon as the nurse left.

"Um, I'm fine, but who are you?"'

"Come on bro, you don't know us?" Carter stood up beside me

"Yea I know you bro but who this?" I was kind of hurt

"Camilla, my twin sister, your sister, your high school crush, the one who's been here with you every second of your stay... Should I say more?" He looked at my facial expression and pulled me to the side.

"Carter how come he doesn't remember?" I got teary eyed just looking at him.

"Man, the doctor said it happens sometimes. I mean he doesn't even know mom and dad, so his memory went back to before I introduced y'all." He shrugged

"You're saying it like its nothing C." I started crying

"Look, let's just start you guys over. It'll be great. Clean slate BG." I shook my head crying harder. "Don't make me sing." He groaned

"Please." I said in between tears.

"You and me will always be tight

Family every single day and night

And even when they start acting like a fool."

"You know I'm living every single thing you doooo." I smiled weakly smiling at him.

"Oh thank God I thought I would have to go on."

I sucked my teeth at him. "You're being dramatic Carter."

"Hey I'm not the one crying because my brother doesn't remember me." He made quotations with his fingers when he said brother. I shoved him and walked back to Sincere. 

"Hey I'm Camilla, Carter's twin." I smiled big taking his hand that he extended to me. He kissed my hand and smirked

"Aye Carter why you ain't tell me bout shorty?" Carter just shook his head and shrugged. I rolled my eyes and sat down to talk to Sin.

We talked for hours until the nurse brought him some pain meds and he was out like a light. I eventually left since I knew he was awake and well. I really needed to catch up on my online classes and finish up some homework for regular classes.

"Mom I really this I'm being punked." I laughed lightly

"Well it's life Babygirl. But now Sin can have a fresh start from where he lost his memory. Maybe this time he'll make better decisions and his life will make a complete turn around." My mom explained over the phone

"You say that like you've been through it before." I said closing my MacBook

"You wouldn't know the half Milly. But you have work to do, and your daddy is over here tryna feel up on me, so Ima go handle this." I rolled my eyes as I heard her giggled and mumbling something to him.

"Y'all are disgusting."

"Whatever. Go play with Donny or something. Love you!"

With that she hung up and I got lonely as the time passed.! I had done all of my work and it seemed like no one was even here, so I just decided to get dressed and go to the gym. I haven't worked out in a while.

I benched 150 with the help of Jezel who was also at the gym. She's been talking about Carter nonstop since we got here and I have been doing the same about my situation.

"Girl ain't that Donny?" She tapped me just as I put the weights back in their places. Sure enough it was Donny and Unique all over one another. I shook my head and finished up.

"So you're not gonna say anything?" Jezel looked at me like I had two heads.

"Jezel he's not my boyfriend anymore. I told you that." I rolled my eyes picked up my bag

"so that's it? You're just gonna let him leave you because he thinks you're in love with Sincere? That's crazy. You two are perfect for each other and I don't like that bitch Unique."

Let me inform y'all. Jezel is from the HOOD. If you look at her putter appearance, she looks like this nice school girl with curly long hair who dresses really nicely, but that attitude? Chile please. She stays ready to pop off!

"Well he didn't give me a chance to explain myself. You see where he's at. He looks pretty happy doesn't he?" She looked over my shoulder at Donny still cheesing in Unique's face.

"I guess, but unless you're in love with Sincere and you don't give a damn about Donny anymore, I think you should fight Unique's ass. Just saying."

"For what Jezel?" I huffed crossing my arms

"Bitch don't get an attitude with me. She's the one all over your man." Jezel grabbed her bag and left me standing there. I sighed and began walking to my car. I could see Donny and Unique from the window and they looked pretty happy to me. I mean, if Donny really cared about me he wouldn't be here with her, right? He's foul for that.

I'm good on everything.


This is short, but it's just a filler. Felt like writing

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