Chapter 4 - Silence

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It has been 3 weeks since Royalty's funeral, 4 since she died. After getting back home and telling everyone about her death, the kids were hysterical. Royalty meant more to everyone than I thought. Our whole family was just a mess and it was up to me to be the strong one. The kids slept with me every night in the second master.

Mackenzie hasn't said a word since she died. She just refuses to say anything. She even stopped at the hair salon. She put the girl she was training in charge, besides Asia. I tried everything for her to just tell me something. She just looks at me like she hates me, as if it was my fault she died. She won't even sit in the same room as Ky and Kayda. She won't even talk to her dad, and the two of them are like two peas in a pod. I take her out just to get a simple smile out of her and nothing works.

I been spending time with the kids most of the time and going to the gym when I get time. I usually go early in the morning or late at night, and I make sure to go visit Royalty almost everyday. I just miss her presence, her smile, her fat cheeks and those dimples. My baby's gone.

I sniffled looked at her picture on the dashboard. I'm making my regular trip to the gym. It stays open 24 hours, just because people have all kinds of crazy schedules in Atlanta. When I left the house the kids were knocked out, but Mac was sitting in the bed looking at the tv. I told her I was leaving and kissed her forehead only for her to push me away. I shook my head and left. She's really starting to piss me off. I can't even touch my wife anymore.

I got out and went into my office to check the gym account to make sure everything was coming in right and it was. Ky and a few young boys I know are out on the street this late are coming to workout with me. I stayed in my office a little longer before grabbing a bottle of water and my mouthpiece.

"Wassup dickhead?" Ky laughed dapping me up.

"Nigga shut up. Bean headed ass. Who's this?" I noticed a familiar but unfamiliar face.

"Ky'Seem, this is your uncle, Messiah."

"Wassup unc?" He held his hand out for me to dap but I hugged him. I knew Naomi's ass was pregnant when she moved away. She came by the house acting all weird, and Mac wouldn't talk to her so I invited her in anyway. No I didn't sleep with this scandalous hoe, but I knew she was pregnant.

"Finally got you a twin huh?"

I dapped the rest of the boys up: Chris, Tito, Jonathan, and Carter was coming through the door. Nigga could've rode with me but I noticed he brought Sincere aka Sin. Sin's face was bruised and beat up and his lip was bloody.

"What happened?" I asked examining his face.

"Dumb ass here tryna be a drug lord and got robbed." Carter said with an attitude making me look at him crazy.

"And how the hell you get him?"

"Cause he took me to do the drop." Sin coughed

"Ky can you clean him up for me?," I looked at Carter, "in my office now." He walked in front of me slowly. "Speed the fuck up!" I yelled



"Dad I swear I was only tryna make sure he ain't get killed or something." I said as soon as he closed the door. He didn't even look angry, just disappointed making me feel worse.

"Son, I told you if you gone do this drug shit do it when you're out of my house and do it with Ky."


"No ifs, ands, or buts about that. You know all of us going through some shit right now and I don't need to lose another one of you. Just listen sometimes man. Sin got in that shit by himself and if he needs to get out you tell me and I'll help. Your pretty boy ass ain't built for this." He joked but I knew he was serious.

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