Chapter 14 - Loved Ones

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"Come in Harlem." I cheesed pulling him in uncovering a young girl shyly standing behind him

"This is my girl, Caira. I needed someone to come along with me." He smiled a crooked smile taking her hand. She introduced herself and shook hands with us. As far as I can see, she's a really good girl.

Caira and I left out of the living room to talk and she made it clear this was the first time she'd ever heard Harlem refer to her as his girlfriend. They've been talking for about a year now, and I could tell she was one of those giros who didn't take no mess. I liked her. She kind of reminded me of myself at 16. Crazy of BJ Taylor and stupid.

I eavesdropped on their conversation to see how things were going.


"Son, I just wanna start off by saying, it's not my fault for not being in your life all these years. Some things went on with your mom and I, and she took you away without a trace. I never wanted you to grow up without me-"

"So why didn't you look harder? My step dad put me through pure hell for just looking like you, someone I only knew for a few years of my life. I was glad when someone finally killed him. And moms was so stuck on him that she didn't focus on being my mom. Now that I'm all grown up and she finally gets her life together, she wants to be a mom." He scoffed looking just like this father who was staring in awe. "I guess I got two deadbeat parents then huh?" Harlem leaned back in the nice couch he wished he could've had.

"Let me show you something." Messiah got up and went to the back, he looked at Mackenzie trying to sneak and shook his head. Messiah got his journals that held every single letter he'd written to Harlem since the day Trina disappeared with him. He handed the box to Harlem and he started looking in them. Messiah had even drawn pictures of them playing sports, him teaching Harlem things about being a man, they were all included in these notebooks.

Truth is, he never forgot about his Babyboy, they had gotten separated.

"What do you think?" Messiah asked nervously

"I'm not impressed." Harlem shrugged skimming page after page. Messiah saw he was a hard shell to crack, just like him, but he had a soft spit for his kids. Harlem wanted to break down because he truly missed being with his dad during his younger days, but he had more hurt and anger than anything towards his father, mother, and step father. They were all bad parents in his eyes. The only one he could really open up to was his other mother, Mackenzie. He knew she'd never showed his any less love than her own kids, and she reached out to him. He didn't know how she found him, but she did.

"Son I never meant for things to be like this. After that situation-"

"You mean the drug war you guys were in?"

"Yea man. After that, your mom up and left taking you along with her. I don't know why she was running after C, but if anything she should've left you here with Mackenzie and I." Messiah sighed looking at his son. "I'm really sorry I missed out son. I wish I could make it up to you. Where are you staying?"

"Cai and I just moved in With my nana, Malin." Harlem smirked at the letter he'd flipped to. It was about the 'birds and the bees'.

That meant he lived right beside Kenzie. Perfect. Messiah thought

"You wanna go out somewhere?"

"Dad I know you got money, but you can't but my love. I'm still gonna practically hate your guts or not being there for me when I needed you." Harlem said getting mad all over again.

"I know. I just want to get to know my son."

"Where's Miss Mackenzie?" Harlem looked around

"It's Mrs. and she's eavesdropping from the kitchen." Messiah said as Mackenzie peeked waving.

"She's the only reason I'm here. Remember that." Harlem smirked licking his lips like he was checking out his step mom. He wasn't, but he knew how he was about Caira and only assumed his dad was just as crazy about his wife.

"Watch it." Messiah said pulling Mac into his lap. "There's your woman." He pointed to Caira who sat down beside Harlem and put her hand on his knee. He smiled and out his arm around her.

They decided to go out and leave the girls behind. They just went out shopping and out to eat. Harlem already felt at home with his dad and he was glad.

He shared with his dad the involvement he had in the drug game, which worried Messiah. He didn't want his son to put his family or life through what he went through. He decided to give Harlem some advice because he knew he probably wasn't going to take his word seriously after trying to convince him to get out. He showed Harlem all of the money he saved up for him and Harlem hadn't seen so many commas in his life. He would rethink being a drug dealer and make clean money like his father.

Harlem didn't think Messiah would mean anything to him because of the fact that he hadn't had a father for so long, but he was warming up to him. This might be better than he thought.


I been on the road for 24 hours, so I have had time to do some editing & stuff, but I'm drained.

Never coming back to North Dakota!!!!

Just a filler, but the father issue is deeper, so they'll be more drama. 

Thanks for voting & the comments. I love y'all 😁😘

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