Chapter 6 - New Year, New Problems

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5 months later (New Years Eve)


"I know it hurt a lot dad." Alaya said breaking me from my thoughts.

"Yea it did... does, but you know I put everyone's feelings before my own. I just want her to be happy even if I wasn't happy. But I am despite her infidelity. It's not like I haven't done the same to her." I shrugged looking at Royalty's picture on the coffee table. She was asleep in one of those puffy skirts Mac loved to put her on. I miss her so much. I miss their bond.

"Well if it means anything, everyone still feels the same even though you guys aren't the best of friends right now."

"How would you know?" I looked at her play with

"Because I'm the peacemaker among them. Everyone knows everybody comes to me with their problems. I have nothing better to do." Lay giggled and it's true. Austin rarely lets her work anymore so she's basically a stay at home mom who gossips on the phone all day. She only goes to work if she wants.

"Yea yea, where is everyone? Austin needs to stop spoiling those bad ass boys."

"You might as well be talking to a brick wall. You know he wants just as many kids as you."

Omniscient ( 11:45 p.m )

"15 more minutes guys!" Mackenzie yelled around the corner to Carter, Ken, and Nathan who were in the mancave. She wobbled back to the elevator of Messiah's fancy ass house and pressed the button with the home symbol on it to go to the first floor.

The elevator was filled with their family pictures and crazy selfies before her depression and anger that led to her affair. She knew she was wrong but she just needed something to get away from the grieving, the pain she felt, and the anxiety she was experiencing. There was no way in the world she could face her deceased child, not alone. And she wouldn't have to if she had just listened to her husband.

She knew Messiah was there for her just like he was from day one despite his infidelity throughout the relationship. He was her best friend and she was his. When she was only 18 still dealing with the suicidal thoughts and low self esteem, he was there. He stood in the place of her children's father after she got raped. He was there when she miscarried all those times. He was there when Maurice died. He was there through it all and she never gave him enough credit for anything. Yes, he drank and smoke and slept with other women, but in all reality it was a result of him being sexually abused. Now he was a man, and she was being unappreciative.

Looking at Messiah, Mackenzie knew he didn't deserve what she did to him. He was a good man. Cartel was no champ, but he wasn't a dog either, but his outcome is a story for another day. Now, she'll pay for it. She doesn't even know who her baby's father is because she was sleeping around with the two at the same time. Mackenzie frowned up her face at her selfish, stupid decisions.

"What's on your mind babymama?" Messiah asked sitting on the couch next to the love of his life

Mackenzie stared off into space for a few moments before she looked at him and burst into tears. Messiah shushed her crying and rubbed her back. He didnt know what was wrong, but she had had all of his kids except two, and he knows what comes along with the seventh month of pregnancy. But little did he know it wasnt the hormones. Mackenzie was truly messed up about the situation.

"I'm so sorry I did that to you. It was wrong and I'm sorry I don't know if this baby is yours." She said pleading for his forgiveness. "I'm so stupid."

Messiah chuckled at her teenage-like appearance besides her huge pregnant stomach. She was literally pouting like she was 13 years old. He had already moved past the fact that his wife cheated on him. He got all his anger and frustration out in the gym and shooting Cartel's ass only made him feel better. He was over it. He was ready for the babygirl to get here.

"I'm over it Mackenzie. Too old for that immature shit. We got 8 kids altogether and I won't let any one of them grow up without either parent or a new one."

"Then why'd you get this new house and move across town?" She asked with a pouty look on her face.

"So we could move here together. I don't know if you fucked him in my house or not. I won't finna stay there, especially when his fine ass sister still stays next door." He smirked knowing she would get upset

"Didn't you already fuck Vanessa?" She scoffed trying to get up from the couch. Messiah stood over her laughing as she struggled

"I wouldn't step out on you again." Messiah said helping her up from the couch. It was 8 minutes until New Years and this would be the perfect time for the two of then to start completely over. No looking back.

"Mommy can we have more cookies?" Ken ran up to Mackenzie with puppy dog eyes.

"How Kant have you had?" Messiah cut in as she was about to reply

"Um Nana gave me 2, Papa gave me 5, and you gave me one too daddy, so I had 8." He cheesed

"Well since you added correctly you can have a couple more my man." Messiah high fives his son and sent him on his way.

At 5 minutes everyone was piled up in the living room. They had waited all night for the new year. Even though Ky and Kayda and Lay and Austin weren't here, it was still okay. They had stayed in New York to go see the ball drop.
Just as the clock struck 11:59 everyone got their party favors out. Ken and MJ started throwing confetti already.

Mackenzie was leaving the kitchen with a plate full of food when the door bell rang. She figured no one else heard it because they were all counting. She hurriedly wobbled to the door and opened it with one hand revealing a woman. A pregnant woman.

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