Florse Christophe

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She was sturring. Its been five hours since I found her on the floor. I rushed her to the best healer I have ever known. Florse Christophe, I have known her since I was born literally. My mom was at a wedding her water broke, and she couldn't be apperated so she was sent to a quiet room and Florse was a student fresh out of Healing School and she delivered me before any other healers arrived. She did it quickly and easily from what my mother said. Ever since then my mother, father and I have gone to her, or should I say she comes to us. Throughout the war, Florse was the only one who saw through me and that I didn't want to do any of those things and that being a deatheater was nightmare come to life. She's the only one I trust. We have this special owl that is always well rested and only goes to and from Florse and our family with no distractions. Florse was here in less than a three minutes. In that time I picked up Astoria and had her rest on a couch in the room. I also cleaned her mouth and threw on a pair on silk boxers.

"How is she?" I asked as Florse was exanimating her and pulling things out of her bag.

"Good news/bad news," she said, "Depends on how you take it."

I sighed, "What in the bloody could be considered both-" I froze. Mother fucker....

"Congratulations Draco, your not even married and your a daddy," she said as she patted me on the back.

"You've got to be kidding me," I said, and I thought marriage would be easy. Astoria was waking up.

"Wha- what happened?" she asked as she rubbed her eyes. She looked at me and then at Flores, and back at me.

"Allow me to introduce myself," said Flores, " I am a very good and close family friend with the Maltoys and i am specialized healer, my name is Flores Christophe, but you can call me Flor."

Astoria meerly nodded. She looked at me as if asked what had happened to her.

"I saw you laying on the bathroom floor with blood dripping out of your mouth," I started, her eyes widened.

"Darling, don't worry you're perfectly fine, this happens to all young witches who's bodies haven't had this experience before, its because your magic combined,"said Flor. I sat down next to Astoria and helped her sit up, she began rubbibg her head that had been bandaged.

"You took a nasty fall to floor because you fell on your head first, due to the angle of the bruise," said Flor. She began packing up her things.

Astoria whispered to me, "sorry, I haven't been here a day and I am already causing problems." I went to say something but Flor beat me to it.

"My dear, you should be proud, I mean your fertility rate is 88%! An average pureblood woman would die for that, and besides he's going to be raised by two amazing parents, knowing Draco."

" Forgive me, but you said 'parents' as in I am-" she turned to look at me, "-pregnant?"

"Yep, and judged by Draco's face I am going to go now and I told him everything in order for a safe recovery, goodbye love birds," said Flor before apperating away.

I turned to Astoria, to find her putting her hands on her belly. She didn't look at me. I don't know why, but its probably because shes pregnant, I wanted to comfort her.

"Well, that was..." I said, but drifted off. I took a stay piece of hair away from face so I could look at her, "Look at me."

"How," she said before turning her head, "I didn't even know, I mean- what did she mean other witches would die for? What do I have?"

"Astoria, as Flor said, you have a fertility rate of 88% which means that every time we have sex unprotected there is an 88% chance that-"

"I'll be pregnant." She finished my sentence and stood up, "So now we going to be parents after we just met and the only thing that happened was that we shagged."

That made my blood boil, she was so sweet and now she's being rude? She wants to get away with that? Yeah, ok, no! I grabbed her by the arms, turned her around and slammed her into the wall. I don't care if she has a concussion, I will give her another one.

"What did you just say?" I told her, raising my voice, she froze with fear, good. I looked into her eyes, she looked at me as if I was going to murder her, good. "Is that how you speak to me? I didn't like your tone. I didn't like your attitude. I didn't like what you said. I am supposed to help you heal and keep you healthy so that we can be happy and that the baby will be fine, however, by your attitude, if you don't want the child... that. Can be. Arranged." She froze solid. "Am I understood?" She nodded.  "Say it, show me you can hold your tongue."

She took a breath, "Y-yes."

"Can't hear you."


"I can't hear you!"

"Yes, your are understood!" She had risen her voice and she froze when I looked at her. "I-I am s-s-sorry I didn't me to-" she didn't even finish her sentence.

Arranged Marriage - A Draco Malfoy LemonWhere stories live. Discover now