Legolas liked you because you were not like the other Elves. You had a temper and a free spirit that he was strangely drawn to. It was fascinating and strange and wonderful all at the same time...
You had been avoiding some of your responsibilities one day, sitting out by the river that ran down to Lake Town. The birds were chirping softly and the sky was dotted with little clouds. And Legolas was searching for you... One of the guards had told him that you had run off. He was not at all surprised when he heard this... But he did want to know where you were. So he had ventured out to find you.
Now as you sat at the river, the cool water dancing lazily over your bare feet, a wolf was slowly creeping up behind you. You did not realize this as the sound of the rapids blocked out the sound of its claws against the stone. In fact, the only time you realized something was wrong was when you heard a low growl right by your ear. You startled, jumping up so quickly that you almost slipped on the wet rock.
But the wolf was fast and he lunged for you, biting down roughly on your left shoulder. A loud yelp escaped your lips as you felt your flesh tear. You struggled, trying to pry the beast off of you but your attempts were to no avail.
Not to far off from the river, Legolas was tracking you down, softly calling out your name as he searched for you. But there was no response. He had given up and was about to turn back when he heard a yelp and the sound of a struggle coming from the river. Legolas instantly knew that it was you and he bounded into action, running to your aid as fast as he possibly could. Once he reached the river he saw the wolf biting into your shoulder and you trying your best to pry the creature off of yourself.
Quickly, he notched an arrow to his bow, pulling back the string and letting the arrow fly straight through the creatures skull. The wolf went still, collapsing at your feet with one last whine.
You stood there shaking, blood running down your arm and dripping off the tips of your fingers to pool on the ground. You were so mad at yourself for being stupid enough to forget to bring some sort of weapon with you... You did not even hear Legolas calling your name as he ran to your side.
You were loosing a lot of blood and before Legolas got to your side your legs gave out and you crumpled to your knees, your white dress now stained with blood.
As Legolas watched the beast fall he ran to you, his heart thumping in his chest with worry. He still was quite a was from you and he almost yelped when he saw you crumple. "Y/N! Y/N!" He cried out, rushing to your side and shoving the wolf away so that its body slid into the river.
"Y/N are you alright?!" The answer was obvious and he knew that but that was all he could thing to say in the moment. You were staring at the ground, your eyes blank as more blood rolled down your paling skin. What a fool you had been! How could you have let yourself be so stupid?
Legolas moved so that he was on the ground in front of you. One of his hands moving to wrap around your waist and the other cupping your cheek gently. "Y/N....?" He asked softly, his eyes searching yours.
You looked into his eyes, your lips parted ever so slightly as you took a shaking breath. "I think... I may have a scar from this..." You muttered and Legolas let out a little laugh. "Out of all the things you choose to say... You say that?" He laughed softly and shook his head slightly, a little smile spreading over his lips. He took a breath before doing something he had meant to do for a long time.
Legolas leaned in and lightly, gently pressed his lips to yours. You were stunned at first but after a second you kissed him back, only pulling away after a second. "Legolas..." You muttered, your eyes half closed. "I don't feel good..." You managed to say before slipping into the dark unconsciousness from your loss of blood.
Legolas quickly took you home and got you fixed up. He stayed with you until you woke, not once leaving your side. When you woke he pronounced his love to you and you soon became betrothed to each other.

The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings Imagines
FanfictionJust little imagines for the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings.