Chapter 1

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*Hailey's P.O.V*
        Tonight Sam and I are going to a 5SOS concert. But here in about an hour I have a doctors appointment. I get to find out the gender of my baby. Right now I am getting ready for my appointment.
"Hailey, are you almost ready," Sam asks from downstairs.
"Yeah, I'm coming down now," I say grabbing my phone and bag.
"Okay," Sam says when I get to the top of the stairs.
        Once I got downstairs, I walk into the kitchen to make a strawberry banana smoothie.
"Do you want a smoothie," I ask Sam.
"Sure," Sam says.
        I make our smoothies and we leave. Once we get to the doctors office, I grab my bag and smoothie and Sam grabs her smoothie and we walk into the doctors office.
"What can I do for you," the receptionist asks.
"I have a one o'clock appointment with Dr. Sims," I say.
"What's your last name," she asks.
"Williams," I say.
"And your birthday," she says typing on her computer.
"June 29th 1995," I say.
"Hailey," she asks.
"Yeah," I say.
"Have a seat. The nurse will call you in a minute," she says.
"Okay," I say and walk over to the waiting room and take a seat.
        We only sat in the waiting room for about five minutes.
"Hailey," the nurse says.
        Sam and I get up and walk down the hall to a room with the nurse.
"First we are going to see how much you weigh," the nurse says as I'm setting my bag and smoothie on the counter in the room.
"Okay," I say handing Sam my phone.
"Follow me," the nurse says exiting the room.
        We go back down the hall to the scale.
"How far along are you," the nurse asks looking at the scale to set it.
"Six months," I say rubbing my stomach.
"Okay. You can step on now," the nurse says and I step on.
        She writes down my weight and then we walk back to the room.
"Dr. Sims will be with you soon," the nurse says.
"Okay. Thank you," I say and the nurse leaves.
"Ashton texted you," Sam says as I sit on the bed and she hands me my phone.
Ashton: Hey babe, are you coming to show tonight.
Me: Yeah. I am. Sam bought tickets. We got meet and greets
        I hit send when the doctor comes in.
"How are you," Dr. Sims asks.
"I'm good. You," I say.
"I'm good. Thanks," Dr. Sims says.
"So we are going to do an ultrasound and we get to see the gender of your baby," Dr Sims adds.
"Okay," I say laying back on the bed as Dr. Sims rubs the cold gel stuff on my stomach and moves the wand thing across it.
        Right before we get to see the gender of the baby, Ashton text me back.
Ashton: Can't wait to see you.
"Sorry that was my boyfriend," I say to Dr. Sims while I reply to Ashton.
Me: I can't wait to see you. I got to go though. I'm at the doctors. Talk to you later.
"Is he the dad," Dr Sims asks.
"Yeah, but he doesn't know about the baby," I say as Ashton replies.
Ashton: Why are you at the doctors?
Me: I will tell you later.
        I hit send and turn my phone on silent and give it to Sam.
"Okay. Are you ready to know the gender of your baby," Dr Sims asks.
"Yeah," I say.
"Your baby is...," Dr Sims says moving the wand thing around in one spot of my stomach.
"Your baby is a girl," Dr Sims says still moving the wand thing around.
        I then wipe the gel stuff off my stomach with a smile.
"Thank you. Now I get to go get ready for a concert," I say getting off the bed and grabbing my bag and smoothie.
        Sam and I leave the doctors office and go back to our house to get ready for the concert.

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