Chapter 12

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*Hailey's P.O.V*
        Natalia comes in and sits on the bed with me.
"Hey Nat," I say smiling before looking down at my baby.
"How are you," Natalia asks.
"I'm good. How are you," I ask.
"I'm good. She's so cute," Natalia says.
"Thanks. Do you want to hold her," I ask.
"Sure," Natalia says and I hand Leah to her.
        After handing Leah to Natalia, I grab my phone and go on Twitter. I'm probably going to regret it but I want to see what they are saying about me. I am mentioned in about 50 tweets replied to the one. One says:                                                  @5SOSFAM4LIFE: @.Ashton5SOS @.Luke5SOS @Hailey_Irwin If he did, I will find a way for
@Hailey_Irwin and that baby to disappear.
        I sigh closing twitter and locking my phone and setting it back on the bedside table. I feel tears rim my eyes and I just let them flow. I really can't hold this in any longer. Especially now they are bringing my daughter into it. I bring my knees to my chest and begin sobbing.
"Are you okay," Natalia asks.
"What's wrong babe," Ashton asks.
"Your fans," I say.
"What about them," Ashton asks.
"Our baby isn't safe," I say.
"What do you mean," Ashton asks.
        I unlock my phone and go to twitter. I click the notification from @5SOSFAM4LIFE.
"A couple of the fans saw you and Luke coming back from McDonald's and tweeted a picture. In the caption, they called me a slut and hoping you didn't take me back. They keep calling me a slut and a whore. This one said she will make our daughter and I disappear if we are back together. Ashton, I can't do this. It was fine when it was just me they were giving hate to but now Leah is brought in to it, I can't handle it. I can't take it anymore. Please make it stop," I say showing him the tweets.
"Hailey, it will be okay. I will take care of it. They won't get close to you or our daughter. I promise you that," Ashton says sitting next to me on the bed and hugging me.
"Thanks, Ashton. I love you," I say.
"I love you too baby girl," Ashton says before kissing me.
"I want to go home," I say looking at Leah.
"When the nurse comes in again, you will have to ask her," Ashton says.
"Okay," I sigh.
        About an hour later my nurse comes in.
"How are you doing," the nurse asks.
"I'm fine. I just want to go home," I say.
"Well, we will have to check the baby's vitals and make sure she is ready to go home. Then you will need your doctor's consent," the nurse says.
"Okay," I say as Natalia hands Leah to me.
        I lay Leah in the bassinet thing and look at my phone. I have more Twitter notifications. I open Twitter and go to my notifications. There was more hate but only one notification stuck out to me. It wasn't hate at all. I click on the notification and smile.
@HarmGrace5SOS: Why does everyone hate @Hailey_Irwin? She has done nothing wrong. Hailey, you're gorgeous and don't let the haters get to you. You can always talk to me if you need someone to talk to. Or even just a new friend. Hope this makes you smile.
        I smile at her tweet and look at my princess. The nurse is working on getting her vitals. I look back at my phone and decide to tweet back to this girl.
@Hailey_Irwin: @HarmGrace5SOS, Thank you so much! That means a lot. I'm going to DM you. Check your DM's in about five minutes. I try not to let them get to me but when they bring my new born daughter into it, I can't help letting it get to me.
        After tweeting back to her, I go to her profile and follow her before DMing her.
@Hailey_5SOS: Hi Harmonie. You're gorgeous btw. Thanks for sticking up for me. That means a lot. I wouldn't mind all this hate if they would just leave my princess out of it. She has done nothing wrong. She was just born today and means the world to me. Well, I have a few questions. Does any of 5SOS follow you? And have you ever met any of them? Well, I would like to get to know you.
        I hit send, close Twitter, lock my phone and set it on the bedside table. I look at my baby, who is now peacefully sleeping.
"She is doing amazing. I will send your doctor in to talk to you about being released," the nurse says grabbing her clipboard.
"Okay. Thank you," I say and she leaves the room.
        About a half hour later, my doctor comes in.
"So I'm told you want to go home," Dr. Sims says.
"Yeah. I am just having a hard time and I just want to be in my own home," I say looking at Leah.
"Okay. Well, Leah is looking great. So, I think I will let you guys go home. How are you feeling," Dr. Sims asks.
"I'm fine. I'm just having problems with some people on the internet and I just want to be home. I know being a new mum is hard but I have Ashton and my best friend living with me. I will just feel happier in my home with Leah," I say.
"So I will let you go home but we have to do vitals one more time. It's six o'clock now. We will do vitals at seven and then you can go home. I will get your release papers started now," Dr. Sims says.
"Okay. Thank you," I say and Dr. Sims leaves the room.
        I check my phone and I have a Twitter DM from that Harmonie girl. I unlock my phone opening the Twitter DM and read it.
@HarmGrace5SOS: Aww, thanks, Hailey! And you're welcome. I can't stand seeing people hate on someone that has done nothing wrong. To me, it doesn't look like you have done anything wrong. You're happy. You're dating the Ashton Irwin and you guys have a baby together. What could go wrong? I mean other than his fans. I mean I love him dearly but I am also happy that he is happy. Only the band account follows me and I wish I have met them.
        Well, Harmonie, today is your lucky day.
"Ash, can you follow @HarmGrace5SOS on Twitter please it would mean a lot to both me and her," I say looking at Ashton holding our sleeping daughter.
"Sure," Ashton says unlocking his phone.
"Done," Ashton says.
"Thanks, babe," I say as I get another DM from Harmonie.
@HarmGrace5SOS: OMG! Ashton just followed me! I am so happy right now. I can't believe this actually happened. I just need Luke, Calum, and Michael to follow me now! Wait? Did you get Ashton to follow? OMG! You're the best!
@Hailey_Irwin: I haven't done anything wrong. There was just one small misunderstanding and all of the fans believed it. Ashton is happy he is the father of this beautiful baby girl. We are extremely happy to be together and extremely happy that our baby is finally here. I think his rude fans are about all that could go wrong really. He is very happy and that should be all that matters to his fans. I did ask Ashton to follow you and I will ask the other boys to follow you too but it will be a little bit. I have to get the baby from Ashton and feed her.
        I take a pic of Ashton and Leah and attach it to the message before hitting send. I close Twitter, lock my phone and set it on the bedside table.
"Ashton, I need to feed her," I say sitting up on the bed.
"Okay," Ashton says handing Leah to me and I begin feeding her.
"Ashton can you hand me her diaper bag," I ask halfway through feeding her.
"Yeah," Ashton says grabbing the diaper bag out of Leah's car seat and set it on the bed sitting at the foot.
        I open the diaper bag still feeding Leah and get out a diaper and an outfit. She gets her pictures taken before we go home, so I'm gonna dress her cute. I change her diaper and outfit and lay her back in the bassinet thing. It's only six fifteen right now, so we still have forty-five minutes until vitals and pictures and then we can go home. About a half hour later, my doctor comes back in with a photographer. She hands me the discharge papers and picks Leah up out of the bassinet thing as the photographer sets up a backdrop on the bed. She quickly checks her vitals before laying her on the backdrop.  I get up and grab a change of clothes out of my bag and go into the bathroom. I quickly change, put my hair up in a messy bun and put on a flower crown before exiting the bathroom. I put my clothes I was wearing in my bag and grab Leah's car seat setting it on the bed. Once the photographer was done taking pictures of Leah, Ashton picks her up and slowly and carefully lays her in her car seat. I buckle her in and grab her hospital receiving blanket and cover her up with it before grabbing the heavy blanket that was in the diaper bag and cover her up with that too. I put the car seat canopy on the car seat and button the front.
"Your picture will be ready to be picked up by the 20th," the photographer says.
"Where do we pick them up at," I ask putting my boots on.
"The reference desk in the lobby on the first floor," the photographer says.
"Okay. Thank you," I say.
"You are free to go now and congrats again," Dr. Sims says.
"Thank you," I say picking up my purse, my duffel bag and Leah's diaper bag and Ashton gets Leah.
"Natalia, you can come over if you want," I say as we are walking towards the door of the room.
"Okay. I will follow you guys then," Natalia says.
        We leave the room and head to the elevator. We go to the first floor and the exit through the doors to the parking garage. We go to my jeep. Ashton puts Leah in the back seat and gets her buckled in. After he climbs out, he turns to me, putting his hands on my cheeks and kisses me. I smile and kiss him. After about a heated two minutes, we finally pull away. I climb in the back seat and sit next to Leah. Ashton walks around to the driver's side. Opens the door, gets in, buckles up while starting the engine and backs out. We are officially on our way home.

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