Chapter 13

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*Hailey's P.O.V*
        The car ride home was about twenty minutes. As soon as we pull into the parking lot, Leah starts crying. Ashton let's me out and I get Leah out setting the car seat on the front passenger seat. I unbutton the front of the canopy and unbuckle Leah taking her out of the car seat. I sway back and forth rocking Leah trying to sooth her. I step back and Ashton grabs the bags and Leah's car seat.
"Babe, can you get her binky out of the diaper bag," I ask just before we start walking up to the apartment.
        Ashton gets the binky out and gives it to me. I put it in Leah's mouth and she begins to stop crying. We continue to walk up to the apartment with Natalia. Once we get to the front door, it's already open. I walk in and I see Sam and Louis making out on my couch.
"Really you guys? Do you have to do that out here," I ask laying Leah in her swing and buckling her in before turning it on.
"I didn't know you were going to be home tonight," Sam says sitting up on the couch.
"Whatever. Just please not in front of the baby," I say.
"Sorry," Louis says.
"It's fine Lou. It's just weird to walk into. And why would you do such a thing with the front door open," I ask.
"I honestly didn't know the door was open," Sam says.
"You're the one that opened it," Louis says.
"I know that. But I thought I closed it," Sam says.
"Okay. Well no one cares. We are going to my room. I'm gonna let Leah sleep in her swing. Come get me if she starts crying," I say.
"Okay. Wait, Hailey can I talk to you for a minute please? Outside," Sam asks.
"Uh, sure. I guess," I say following her out the front door.
"What is Natalia doing here? I thought you weren't friends anymore," Sam asks.
"We are trying to be friends again. Don't worry. You're still my best friend," I say.
"Well what about what she was going to do to you," Sam asks.
"I don't know Sam. We will see what happens. I really hope she doesn't do it," I say.
"What if she does Hailey? I'm just looking out for you," Sam says.
"I know Sam. I won't let anything happen. If she tries it she will be gone in a heart beat," I say.
"I feel like something is going to happen," Sam says.
"It's okay Sam," I say.
"Okay. It's just you know I never really liked her," Sam says.
"I know Sam," I say as Leah starts crying again.
"Well, I'm just looking out for you and my beautiful niece. And Ashton of course," Sam says.
"Thanks Sam. I have to go feed Leah. Let's talk later," I say.
"Okay," Sam says and we go back in the house.
        I turn the swing off and unbuckle Leah before picking her up, giving her binky and going to my room with her.
"Seriously knock it off," I hear Ashton say as I get closer to my bedroom.
        I slowly walk in my room and see Natalia sitting on Ashton.
"Get off," Ashton says pushing her off but she climbs back on him.
        Leah starts crying again and Natalia jumps and looks at me. Slowly climbing off Ashton.
"It's not what it looks like," Natalia says.
"It's not what it looks like? Bullshit! I heard Ashton tell you to knock it off. Get away from him and please get out of my house. I never want to see you again. I knew this was too good to be true. Lose my number and don't ever talk to my friends and family again. Ashton take your daughter," I say handing Leah to Ashton.
"She isn't his," Natalia says.
"Bullshit! First of all the DNA test proved it and she looks like him. Now please get out of my house before I call the cops," I say pointing towards my bedroom door.
"I haven't done anything wrong," Natalia says still sitting on my bed.
"Bullshit! He told you multiple times to leave him alone and you didn't. HE IS TAKEN! Do you not get that? If you don't leave now, we will press harassment charges on you. You have about two seconds to get out of my house. I'm not playing around. I am seriously not in the mood for this shit today," I say.
        Natalia just sits there staring at me. I'm seriously about to call the cops. I turn around and walk out of the room. I grab my phone out of my purse and dial 000.
"What's going on," Sam asks.
"I will tell you as soon as I get her to leave," I say before walking back to my room.
"If you don't leave right fucking now, I will hit the call button," I say seriously looking her right in the eyes.
        Natalia just sits there and stares at me.
"Okay, So you're just gonna sit there? On MY bed," I ask.
        I hit the call button and walk out of the room and outside. I wait for someone to answer.
"Sydney police department, what's your emergency," a female voice asks.
"I have an old friend who I have asked nicely three times to leave my house and she won't. She just sits there and stares at me like I'm stupid. My boyfriend asked her multiple times to leave him alone and she wouldn't until I gave him our new born daughter. I feel like my baby is in danger," I say.
"Hailey, she is trying to take Leah from Ashton," Sam says.
"Please bring Leah to me," I say.
"Is Leah your baby," the officer asks.
"Yes. She is trying to take Leah from Ashton. Ashton is Leah's dad. My friend is getting the baby for me,"I say.
"Okay. Were you in the room when your boyfriend was telling her to leave him alone," the officer asks.
"Not at first but I went in there and she was sitting on him trying to get him to kiss her or something. I walked in there with the baby and she didn't know I was there until the baby started crying," I say as Sam hands Leah to me.
"Will you bring me her diaper bag please," I ask Sam.
"Yeah," Sam says going back in the house.
"Do you have the baby with you now," the officer asks.
"Yes. I'm sitting out front with her," I say sitting on the stairs in front of my apartment as Sam sets the diaper bag down at my feet.
"Is the girl still in there with your boyfriend," the officer asks.
"Yes. I can actually hear him telling her to leave him alone. It sounds like she isn't listening," I say getting the breast feeding cover out of the diaper bag, putting it on and beginning to feed Leah.
"Okay. Myself and another officer are on our way now. Would you like to stay on the line until we get there," the officer asks.
"That would be great," I say.
"Okay. Just keep me updated on what's going on. What's your address," the officer asks.
"It's 69 Sydney way apartment A," I say looking across the parking lot.
"Oh okay. That's really close. We will be there in about two minutes. Any updates on how it's going inside," the officer asks.
"He is still trying to get her to leave him alone," I say looking towards the front door of my apartment.
"Okay. So what we are going to do when we get there, is talk to you alone. Talk to your boyfriend alone. Talk to the two of you together and then talk to her alone. Are there any other witnesses," the officer asks.
"Yes. My best friend and her boyfriend," I say.
"Okay. We are pulling into the parking lot now so I'm going to hang up," the officer says.
"Okay. Bye," I say.
"Bye," the officer says.
        About two seconds after hanging up, I see a police car pulling up. They stop and two officers get out and walk towards me as Leah begins to squirm. I quickly cover myself and put the breast feeding cover back in the diaper bag before burping Leah.
"Hi I'm officer Lyric and this is my partner officer James," the female officer says walking up to me.
"Hello, I'm Hailey," I say standing up as I'm burping Leah.
"Seriously if you don't leave, the cops will come," Ashton says.
"Was that your boyfriend," officer Lyric asks.
"Yes," I say as Leah begins to fall asleep.
"Okay so we are going to have to have them removed from the house and spoke to separately. Would you like to lead us to the location of the two," officer James asks.
"Sure," I say grabbing Leah's diaper bag and walking into the house.
        I hand Leah to Sam and walk to my bed room. We walk in as Ashton is calmly removing Natalia from himself.
"Please just stop," Ashton says as Natalia begins to climb on him again and Ashton attempts to get up.
"Go ahead. Say something," officer Lyric whispers to me.
"Natalia, you need to leave him alone. We have asked you multiple times. You have given me no choice but to call the cops," I say calmly.
"You seriously called the cops on me," Natalia yells.
"We asked you to leave and you wouldn't. I told you I was going to," I say.
"I can't believe this. I thought we were friends," Natalia yelled.
"Well you thought wrong," I say as Leah starts crying again.
"And if you were really my friend, you wouldn't try to make out with MY boyfriend. And thanks for waking my daughter up," I say before walking out of the room to get Leah from Sam.
        I walk to the living room and Sam hands Leah to me. I give her binky to her and rock her until she begins to fall asleep again. I take her into her room and lay her in her bed. I turn the baby monitor on and let her sleep. I go back to my room and no one is in there. I grab the baby monitor and take it outside with me and I see officer Lyric talking to Ashton and officer James talking to Natalia. I go back in the house, get a bottle of water and go back out front. I open my water and take a drink sitting on the stairs. After about ten minutes, officer James comes over to me.
"Natalia said you told her rudely to leave," Officer James says.
"I asked her three times nicely to leave and she still wouldn't. I used the F bomb once, after asking her three times nicely," I say.
"Okay. She also said you guys were trying to be friends again. What happened to that," Officer James asks.
"We were until I walked into her trying to mount my boyfriend," I say looking at Ashton.
"Okay. So what do you want to happen," officer James asks.
"Can I talk to Ashton about it first," I ask.
"Absolutely," officer James says.
        Officer James then walks over to officer Lyric and Ashton. After another two minutes, Ashton comes over and sits on the stairs next to me.
"What are we going to do babe," Ashton asks me.
"Well do you want to charge her with sexual harassment and get a restraining order on her or we can just get restraining order on her and she won't be able to be with in a hundred feet of us or our house," I say.
"Did you decide yet," officer Lyric asks.
"We haven't made a decision yet but we came up with two options," I say.
"Okay and what are your two options," officer Lyric asks.
"Either charge her with sexual harassment and get a restraining order or just a restraining order. Which one would be better," I ask.
"Well it's up to you but charging her would probably ruin her life if she wants to get in the medical field," officer Lyric says.
"I don't believe she does," I say.
"Okay. So if you want to charge her, you can. That's up to you," officer Lyric says.
" Ashton, what do you want to do," I ask.
"Charge her and restraining order please," Ashton says.
"Sounds good. I will need you to come down to the station first thing tomorrow to fill out the restraining order," officer Lyric says.
"Okay," Ashton and I both say at the same time before walking over to officer James and Natalia.
        They escort Natalia off the property after explaining to her our decision.
"There will be a court date that both of you have to attend. We will call you with that date as soon as we know," officer James says.
"Okay," I say.
"Thank you," Ashton says.
"No problem. Have a good night," officer James says before leaving.
        Ashton and I go back in the house and get ready for bed. I set the baby monitor on my night stand before going to the bathroom and brushing my teeth. I come back and plug my phone in before getting in bed with Ashton. After about a half hour of silence, we finally drift to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2019 ⏰

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