Chapter 11

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*Hailey's P.O.V*
        About ten minutes later, Leah starts crying. I get up and change her diaper, before picking her up and sitting back on the bed. I then begin to feed Leah. When she is finished, she begins squirming. I burp her and then rock her. She slowly falls asleep. Once Leah is asleep, there was a knock at the door. A some what familiar girl walks in.
"Oops, wrong room," she says before slowly closing the door.
"Wait, you look familiar. Do I know you," I ask.
"I think we went to school together. You're Hailey Brown, right," the girl asks.
"Yeah," I say smiling.
"I'm Isabelle. We worked in the preschool and had a couple classes together," Isabelle says.
"Right. I thought you looked familiar," I say.
"How have you been," Isabelle asks walking in the room sitting next to me on the bed.
"Good. How about you," I ask.
"I'm good. Thanks. She's really cute," Isabelle says.
"Thanks. This is Leah," I say sitting Leah up on my leg.
"Aww, she's adorable. Can I hold her," Isabelle asks.
"Sure," I say handing Leah to Isabelle.
        After handing Leah to Isabelle, I grab my phone and take a picture of them.
"What brings you here," I ask.
"My sister just had her twins," Isabelle says.
"Aww," I say.       
"Yeah. I was the first person she told she was pregnant and since that day, I have been so impatient to meet them," Isabelle says.
"That's exciting," I say as I got a text.
        I look at my phone and it's from Natalia.
Natalia: I'm here. I will be up in a minute.
Me: Okay.
"I know. I should probably get going. My sister is probably wondering where I am," Isabelle says.
"Okay. You can come back if you want. Natalia will be here soon," I say.
"The girl that worked in the preschool with us," Isabelle asks.
"Yeah," I say.
"Okay. I will be back," Isabelle says.
"Okay," I say and she hands Leah back to me before leaving.
        About two minutes later, there is another knock and the door opens. It's Natalia.

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