Chapter 5

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*Hailey's P.O.V*
        We walk over to the VIP section and wait in line to see the boys. There are two different lines. One for One Direction meet and greats and the other for 5SOS meet and greats. Sam and I get in the longest line which is the one for One Direction and wait to see our boyfriends. Oh by the way, Sam is dating Louis. After about a half hour, we were third in line. After about another half hour Sam and I were finally the only ones line.
"Hey Dave," I say as we walk up to the bodyguard.
"Hi Hailey. You know Ashton is excited to see you," Dave says stepping aside to let us go backstage.
"Actually Dave, can we wait until all the fans are gone," I ask sitting in Dave's chair.
"Oh, um, sure," Dave says.
        After about an hour of waiting, all the fans have finally left. Sam and I go backstage. Sam leaves me and goes over to Louis. I then see Ashton walking towards me. He reaches out to hug me.
"Ash, please don't," I say stepping back.
"What's wrong babe," Ashton asks.
"I have something to tell you," I say.
"What is it babe," Ashton asks.
        I look down at my stomach and sigh.
"Tell me now please," Ashton says.
"Let's sit down first," I say grabbing Ashton's hand and sit down on the couch across the room.
"Okay. Please tell me now," Ashton says after we sit on the couch.
"Ash, I don't know how to tell you this, but I guess I have to now," I sigh.
"What is it," Ashton asks.
"I'm six months pregnant with your daughter Ashton," I say.
"Hailey, this isn't my baby. I have been gone for five months. How could you cheat on me," Ashton says.
"I know how long you have been gone," I say.
"How could you do this to me," Ashton asks.
"Ashton, I didn't cheat on you. I would never do that," I say raising my voice a little bit.
"Well you obviously did. I mean your pregnant and it can't be mine. I have been gone for five months," Ashton says.
"Ashton, I am six months pregnant. You left five months ago. I was pregnant for a month before you left," I say.
"I don't know what to say Hailey. This can't possibly be my baby," Ashton says.
"Whatever Ashton. If that's how your going to be then I'm just gonna go home. I was hoping you would be supportive for the rest of the time I am pregnant with our daughter," I say before getting up off the couch and walking towards the door.
"Hailey, wait what happened," Sam asks stopping me at the door.
"Ashton says the baby isn't his and thinks I cheated on him. I just want to go home," I say.
"Okay. Let say bye to Louis and then we can go home," Sam says.
"Okay," I sigh rubbing my stomach.
        While Sam was saying bye to Louis, Ashton walks over to me.
"Hailey, I'm really sorry but I think we should break up. I don't want to be with a cheater," Ashton says.
"Whatever Ash. I honestly don't care right now. I love you and always will but you really hurt me. I was really thinking you were different and our daughter would be able to have her father, unlike us," I say.
"I'm sorry but she obviously isn't mine," Ashton says.
"Hey are you ready," Sam asks walking up to me.
"Yeah. I want to get off my feet. My swollen feet are going to be worse now than they have ever been this entire pregnancy. I'm gonna go home, take a bath, put Ashton's sweater on and go to bed alone like always," I say loud enough for Ashton to hear as Sam and I walk out the door to the parking lot.
        We walk out to Sams car and I wait for her to unlock it before getting in. Once I'm in, I buckle up and get on Twitter. I check my notifications and there is one from Ashton. It was a tweet about me.
@.Ashton5SOS: Well I guess I'm single again. I can't be with @Hailey_Irwin anymore. I don't want to be with someone who is pregnant with someone else's baby. Oh and Hailey, you can change your username because it's not gonna happen.
        I read it and begin to cry.
"Are you okay," Sam asks.
"No. Ashton's being a dick," I say.
"What's wrong," Sam asks.
"Well Ashton broke up with me because he thinks I cheated on him and now he is tweeting about me," I say crying.
"It will be okay Hailey," Sam says.
"No it won't Sam. I love him," I say before tweeting back to Ashton.
@Hailey_Irwin: @.Ashton5SOS How many times do I have to tell you? I didn't cheat on you. This is your baby and if you don't believe me, we can get a DNA test. I would never do that to you Ashton. I love you. Please just believe me.
        We pull into the drive way at our house and we get out and go in the house. I go to my room and find clothes for bed before going to the bathroom and starting the bath, before taking my clothes off and in the tub. I sit down and relax. After about ten minutes, I get another twitter notification. I ignore it and finish my bath. I get out and dry off before putting my clothes on and going back into my room and getting in my bed. I go to my Twitter notifications and there are two, one from Zoe, an old friend and one from Ashton. I open them and read them.
@Zoe_Young95: @.Ashton5SOS I would never do that to you. @Hailey_Irwin Why would you cheat on him? That's just wrong.
@.Ashton5SOS: @Hailey_Irwin I'm sorry I just can't believe you. I have always been faithful to you and I have always loved you and still do but I can't do this. I don't want to be with a cheater. @Zoe_Young95 Message me.
@Hailey_Irwin: @.Ashton5SOS I have always been faithful to you too. No matter what you think. I know this baby is yours. Our daughter is due the day after Luke's birthday and I was really hoping you would be there when she is born. We also need to pick a name for her and I was really hoping you would help me name her. I know, you know she is yours. Your just shocked at this and don't want it to be true but it is. @Zoe_Young95 He is just using you as a rebound. All it will be is a one night stand.
        I hit the tweet button before plugging my phone in, setting it on my night stand and going to sleep.

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