Chapter 6

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*Hailey's P.O.V*
        I wake up to my baby kicking. I roll over and try to go back to sleep but can't. I sit up and grab my phone off the night stand and unlock it. I see a Twitter notification. I click on it and go to Twitter. There notifications from Ashton and Zoe.
@.Ashton5SOS: @Hailey_Irwin If you have always been faithful, then how are you pregnant? I know it's not my baby. If a DNA test is what it takes to prove that then so be it. We will not talk names until then. You can call me when you have the DNA test results or when she is born and we can do the DNA test then. @Zoe_Young95 Don't listen to her. That's not true.
@Zoe_Young95: I know @.Ashton5SOS @Hailey_Irwin How far along are you?
        Why does she want to know. Is it really any of her business?
@.Ashton5SOS: @Zoe_Young95 She says she is six months.
@Zoe_Young95: @.Ashton5SOS How long have you been on tour?
@.Ashton5SOS: @Zoe_Young95 Five months. Why?
@Zoe_Young95: @.Ashton5SOS Well if that's the case and she really is six months, either she cheated on you while you were still home or it is your baby.
@.Ashton5SOS: @Zoe_Young95 It can't be my baby. I haven't been home.
@Hailey_Irwin: @Zoe_Young95 I swear on my baby's life she is his. I wouldn't say that if I didn't know. @.Ashton5SOS I will call my doctor right now and ask about a DNA test. I'm pretty sure you have to go in with me though.
        I hit the tweet button and then go to the dial pad and dial my OBGYN's number. I hit the little green phone button and put the phone up to my ear. It rings about four times before someone answers.
"This is Sophia from the Sydney OBGYN clinic. How may I help you," Sophia says answering the phone.
"I need to speak with Dr. Sims," I say.
"Okay. One moment and I will transfer you to her line," Sophia says.
"Thank you," I say just before the phone starts ringing again.
"Sydney OBGYN clinic. This is Dr. Sims, how may I help you," Dr Sims asks.
"This is Hailey Brown. I was wondering what I have to do for a DNA test. My baby's dad doesn't believe she is his and won't talk to me about her without being 100% sure about her being his," I explain.
"Well I will need both of you to come in. Will today at two work," Dr. Sims asks.
"That's perfect. We will see you then," I say.
"Okay," Dr. Sims says.
"Bye," I say smiling even though she can't see it.
        I then dial Ashton's number and hit the green phone button. It rings and rings and rings.
"Come on Ashton answer," I say to myself while listening to my phone.
        It continues to ring and then goes to his voice mail.
"Hi, you have reach Ashton Irwin please leave a message I will get back to you as soon as possible," I hear Ashton's thick Australian accent say.
"Look Ashton I know you don't want to talk to me but it's important. Please call me back as soon as possible," I say and then hang up.
        I get off my bed and go to the kitchen. I open the fridge and get a yogurt and close it before going to the counter and getting a banana and a spoon out of the drawer. I sit at the table and eat my breakfast. After I finish my breakfast, throw away my yogurt cup and banana peel in the garbage and then put the spoon in the dish washer before going to the living room and sitting on the couch with Sam.
"Are you okay," Sam asks.
"No. My boyfriend dumped me, I'm exhausted and I have an appointment at two to prove that my daughter is Ashton's," I sigh.
"I'm sorry Hailey. I hope everything goes well," Sam says.
"Thanks. I hope so too," I say and my phone starts ringing.
"It's Ashton," I say before getting up and walking to my room as I answer my phone.
"Hello," I say before walking into my room.
"What's so Important," Ashton asks.
"We have an appointment at two today for the DNA test and you have to be there," I explain sitting on my bed.
"Okay and if she isn't mine, I am seriously never talking to you again," Ashton says.
"Okay but I know she is yours. What are we doing if she is yours? Like when it comes to parenting her," I ask.
"I don't know Hailey. We will talk about that if it turns out that she is mine," Ashton says.
"Okay," I sigh.
"Look Hailey, I'm really sorry. It just doesn't seem right that she is mine. I love you and I still want to be with you but I don't know if I can. We will see what happens later," Ashton says.
"Okay. I love you too Ash," I say.
"Not now Hailey," Ashton says.
"Okay," I sigh laying down on my bed.
"I got to go Hailey. I will meet you there in three and a half hours. So we are a half hour early," Ashton says.
"It's already ten," I ask before looking at the clock on my phone.
"Yeah," Ashton says.
"Oh. I'm going to get ready. I will be there at one thirty," I say.
"Okay. See you then," Ashton says.
"Okay bye," I say.
"Bye," Ashton says before hanging up.
        I set my phone on my bed before getting up and going to my closet. I look in my closet for about two minutes before finally picking something. I quickly get changed before going in my bathroom and doing my hair and make-up. I go back in my room and get my boots before going to the living room and sitting on the couch. I turned on the TV and started watching Grey's Anatomy.  When the episode is over, it's already one.
"Sam, I have to go meet Ash at the doctor office. I will be back later," I yell from the living room getting up and grabbing my purse.
"Okay. Have fun," Sam says.
"I will try," I say before walking out the front door.
        I go to my car and get in. I buckle and start the engine before backing out. I head towards the doctors office. As I come by the Starbucks, I decide to stop and get a smoothie. After getting my smoothie, I finish my adventure to the doctors office. I pull into the parking lot and see an empty spot next to Ashton. I park there before shutting off the engine, grabbing my smoothie, purse and keys before getting out and locking it. I set my smoothie on the trunk of my car so I can put my keys in my purse. After putting my keys in my purse, I put it on and grab my smoothie as Ashton gets out of his car and standing next to me at the back of my car.
"Are you ready for this," I ask as I picked up my smoothie and turned towards the doctors office.
"I guess," Ashton sighs.
"Are you okay," I ask.
"Yeah. I'm fine," Ashton says.
"If you say so," I say checking the time on my phone.
        It's now one forty five so we head into the doctors office. I walk over to the check in desk, to check in.
"What can I do for you," the receptionist asks.
"I have a two o'clock appointment with doctor sims," I say.
"What's you last name," the receptionist asks.
"Brown," I say before looking over at Ashton sitting in a chair in the waiting area on his phone.
"And your birthday," she says typing on her computer.
"June 29th 1995," I say.
"Hailey," she asks.
"Yeah," I say.
"Have a seat. The nurse will call you in about ten minutes," she says.
"Okay. Thank you" I say before walking over and sit by Ashton in the waiting area.
"Hailey," the nurse that I had yesterday calls after about ten minutes.
"Come on Ash," I say getting up from my seat.
        We follow the nurse down the hall to a room.
"Weren't you just here yesterday," the nurse asks as we enter the room.
"Yeah. Today we are doing a DNA test," I say looking at Ashton with sad eyes after setting my smoothie on the counter.
"Oh. Well I hope it goes as planned," the nurse says.
"I know it will but he wants it done so here we are," I say sitting on the bed.
"Dr. Sims will be right in," the nurse says before leaving the room.
        After about five minutes, Dr. Sims comes in. 
"How are you today Hailey," Dr. Sims asks as she set a small box on the counter.
"Could be better. How are you," I ask.
"I'm good. Thanks," Dr. Sims says.
"So, Hailey I'm going to take some blood. Which will give me both yours and the  baby's DNA. And I will have to swab the inside of your cheek," Dr. Sims says.
"Okay," Ashton and I both say at the same time.
        She opens the box she brought in with her and takes out a surenge with a needle out and took my blood, before going to Ashton with a big q-tip and swabs the inside of his cheek. 
"I am going to run the test and I will be back when I have the results," Dr.Sims says before leaving the room with the box.
"Ash, can we please talk about this now," I ask after Dr. Sims leaves the room.
"Not until the results come back," Ashton says.
"Fine," I sigh before looking at my phone. 
        About five minutes later, Dr. Sims comes back in the room.
"So, I hold the results in my hand," Dr. Sims says holding a small piece of paper.
"So," I ask.
"It turns out Ashton is the father," Dr. Sims says.
"Told you," I say looking at Ashton.
"I'm sorry I didn't believe you," Ashton says.
"It's okay Ashton," I say and Ashton stands up and hugs me.
        I hug him back.
"I will give you two some privacy. You are free to leave when your ready," Dr. Sims says.
"Thank you," I say before she walks out the door, still hugging Ashton.
        After about another two minutes of Ashton and I hugging, we pull apart, I grab my smoothie off the counter before we leave the room. We walk out to the parking lot. I stop at Ashton's car and get my keys out of my purse.
"Can I come over," Ashton asks unlocking his car and opening the door.
"Yeah," I say before walking over to my car and unlocking it.
"Okay. I will follow you there," Ashton says before getting in his car. 
        I get in my car and start the engine before backing out of the parking spot and head towards the exit of the parking lot. Waiting for Ashton before pulling out of the parking lot.

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