Chapter 2

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*Sam's P.O.V*
        Hailey's appointment went good. She is going to have a baby girl. I wonder what Ashton is going to think of this. Speaking of Ashton, he has been texting Hailey since we left the doctors office. As a matter of fact I think that is Ashton calling her right now.
*Hailey's P.O.V*
        Ashton won't stop bugging me about why I was at the doctors. I mean I know I should tell him but I'm afraid he is going to dump me and not be in his daughters life. Right now, I am looking for something to wear tonight. Right after I grab the leggings I'm wearing for the concert, my phone rings. It's Ashton. I put my leggings on my bed and pick up my phone.
"Hello," I say answering my phone.
"Why aren't you answering my texts," Ashton asks.
"Because you are pissing me off and I'm trying to find clothes for tonight," I say looking in my closet for a shirt.
"I'm sorry babe. I'm just worried about you," Ashton says.
"Ash, there is nothing to be worried about. I promise. I'm fine. It was just a check up," I say grabbing one of Ashton's shirts he left here out of my closet.
"I feel like there is more than you are telling me," Ashton says.
"Ashton can we talk about this later? I need to go take a shower," I say setting the shirt and leggings on my bed, so I can get socks and other stuff for my shower.
"I guess. I miss you so much. I can't wait to see you," Ashton says.
"I miss you too and I can't wait to see you," I say.
"Can I just come over," Ashton asks.
"After I take a shower, we are going to get ready and then we are going to get food and head to the arena," I say sitting on my bed.
"Okay," Ashton says.
"I'm gonna go take a shower. I will call you when we are leaving," I say.
"Okay. I love you," Ashton says.
"I love you too," I say.
"Bye," Ashton says.
"Bye," I say before hanging up.
        I get off my bed and walk to the bathroom with my clothes and phone. I set my phone on the bathroom counter after turning on beside you by 5SOS. I turned the water on, letting it warm up. I took my clothes off. I got in the shower and got washed up. Once I got out of the shower, I got dried off and dressed. I dried my hair with my towel before grabbing my hair dryer and straightener. I went to my bedroom and Sam came in to help me with my hair. I turned on I can't remember by 5SOS and Sam dried my hair and straightened it. After straightening my hair, we curled Sams hair and finished getting ready. After curling Sams hair, she went to get changed. We done our make-up and left. I call Ashton when we get in the car.
"Hello," Ashton says.
"Hi," I say as I buckle my seat belt.
"What are you doing," Ashton asks.
"Going to get food and then we will be heading to the arena," I say as Sam starts the car.
"Where are you getting food at," Ashton asks.
"Hawaiian time," I say as we pull out of the drive way.
"Oh. We are in the dressing room. I'm so bored. The concert starts in two hours and I can't leave," Ashton says.
"I'm sorry love. I can't wait to see you," I say.
"It's okay and I can't wait to see you," Ashton says.
"Ash, can I call you back when I'm done eating," I ask as we pull into the Hawaiian time parking lot.
"Yeah," Ashton says.
"Okay," I say getting out of the car.
"I love you Hailey," Ashton says.
"I love you too Ashton," I say.
"Bye babe," Ashton says.
"Bye," I say before hanging up.
        Sam and I go into Hawaiian time. We order our food and find a seat. We wait for our order to be called. When they call our order, Sam goes to get it. She brings it back to our table and we eat. After we eat, we head to the arena. There is a huge line when we get to the arena. We park and then we get out of the car and get in line. While we were waiting in line, Ashton walked by. I turned to Sam, so he couldn't see me.
"There's Ashton," I whisper to Sam.
"Where," Sam asks.
"Right there," I say turning around and pointing at Ashton.
        I turn back to Sam after pointing him out. Another five minute, Ashton walks down the line towards us. He stops and talks to the people right in front of us. I didn't look at him because I don't want him to notice me, so I won't have to tell him about the baby yet. I want to tell him after the show when we have time to talk. Ashton turns around and goes back into the arena and the line begins a to move. After about five minutes we were finally inside, once we got to the people who were taking our tickets, the baby started kicking. We handed the people our tickets and they gave us our backstage passes. Then we head to our seats When we get almost to the stage, I see Ashton walking towards us. I look at him and he smiles.
"Shit! He seen me," I say when we are almost to our seats.
"Go, I will distract him," Sam says.
"Okay," I say continuing to our seats.
*Sam's P.O.V*
"Where is she going," Ashton says.
"She is going to save our seats. She has something to tell you, but she wants to tell you after the show," I say.
"Oh. Well, I want to hug her," Ashton says.
"Umm, after the show," I say before walking over to Hailey.
        I went back to Hailey, who was in the front row center of the stage.
"What did he want," Hailey asks.
"To hug you," I say.
"Oh. Well he is going to have to wait," Hailey says.
"The show is about to start," I say and we turn our attention to the stage.

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