Chapter 7

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*Hailey's P.O.V*
        We pull into the driveway at my apartment. I turn off the engine and collect my things before getting out as Ashton does the same. Before going into my apartment. 
"Sam, I'm home," I say after walking through the door.
"How did it go," Sam asks from sitting on the couch with Louis.
"Just as planned," I say sitting on the other couch with Ashton.
"Can we go in your room and talk," Ashton asks after about five minutes.
"Yeah," I say before getting off the couch and following Ashton to my room.
        We both sit on my bed.
"Hailey, I'm really sorry I didn't believe you. I was honestly just shocked. I want to be there for you and our little princess," Ashton says.
"It's okay Ash. I told you I didn't cheat and you didn't believe me and it really hurt but I forgive you.  If you want to be here for us,then be here and be there when she is born," I say.
"I love you Hailey and I really didn't mean to break up with you. Can we forget it ever happened and get back together," Ashton asks.
"I love you too Ashton. Of course we can," I say before he kisses me.
"What should we name our daughter," I ask after pulling away from the kiss.
"What do you want to name her," Ashton asks.
"I like Lyric Nicole. But if you you like something else, we can compromise," I say.
"I like Leah Nicole," Ashton says.
"Ooh I like that one too. Let's go see what Sam and Louis think," I say.
"Okay," Ashton says and we get off my bed and walk to the living room.
"Hey what do you like better, Lyric Nicole or Leah Nicole," I ask sitting on the couch.
"I like Lyric Nicole," Sam says.
"I like Leah Nicole," Louis says.
"Okay. I will text my mum and you text yours and see what they say Just don't tell her we know the gender," I say to Ashton before looking at my phone and texting my mom.
Me: Hey, for a girl do you like Lyric Nicole or Leah Nicole?
        I hit send and look at the TV waiting for my mum to reply. After about a minute my phone vibrates. I look down at it and it's a text from my mum.
Mummy: Leah Nicole
Me: Okay thanks.
"My mum like Leah," I say as I hit send.
"My mom like Lyric," Ashton says.
"Oh my gosh. Why is this so hard," I ask.
"You can always ask the other boys," Louis says.
"Good idea," I say before looking at my phone again.
        I decide to make a group chat them on kik.
"Do you want me to add you guys to this chat too," I ask while adding the boys.
"Sure," they say at the same time.
        I finish adding everyone and title the group chat 'Lyric Nicole or Leah Nicole' before sending the first message.
Me: Ashton and I are trying to name our daughter but we are stuck on two names. Lyric Nicole or Leah Nicole?
        I hit send and set phone on the couch before going into the kitchen and getting some carbonated water before going back to the living room and sitting on the couch checking my phone. I had like ten messages.
Ashton: Leah 
Sam: Lyric 
Luke: Leah 
Michael: Lyric 
Calum: Leah 
Harry:  Lyric 
Niall: Leah
Zayn: Leah 
Louis: Leah 
Liam: Lyric 
        I guess my daughters name is Leah Nicole Irwin.
"Ashton, our daughters name is going to be Leah," I say smiling.
"Okay," Ashton says.
Ashton: It looks like her name will be Leah. Since Leah got more votes.
"We should plan a gender reveal party," Sam says.
"Yeah. First when should we have it," I ask.
"What about in two weeks," Ashton says.
"Two weeks from today," Sam asks.
"Yeah," Ashton says.
"Okay. Now next thing is time and where," I say.
"Three Pm at my mums house," Ashton suggests.
"Ask your mum," I say.
"Okay," Ashton says and goes on his phone.
"My mum said yeah," Ashton says after about two minutes of silence.
"Perfect. Now we need to invite people and decide how we will reveal the gender," I say.
"We can create an event on Facebook," Sam says.
        I get my laptop out of my room and log onto Facebook. I open a new event and begin to create it. I then invite everyone I want to come before hitting the create button and logging off.
"The event is created," I say before going to put my laptop away.
        It is now about five thirty, so I go in the kitchen and quickly make dinner. After we eat, we watch a couple of movie. Louis and Ashton are staying the night, so after like two movies, Ashton and I go my room and get ready for bed. After twenty minutes of laying down, Ash and I fall asleep.

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