chapter 4

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Tris's POV

When I woke up I found that Nico's hands were not where they were supposed to be. One was rapped around my waist the other was not in an ok spot. I jumped up and punched him in the face then kicked him in the stomach. He fell of the side of the pile and I started to kick him in the ribs and soft spot. "WTF is going on?!?" He screeched.
"Otter!" I yelled
He came over and understood at once. If a cat had a expression that said I will beat him up gladly then that's what it looked like. I sorta wanted to pull his pants down and let Otter have at it, but that would be kinda harsh. Me and Otter worked together; Otter bit his ears and I kicked and punched. By the time we were done with him he had two black eyes, his nose,cheeks and earlobes were bleeding. Along with him holding his crotch and practically crying for mommy. I dragged him to the wall and propped him up.
"If you ever put your hand where it doesn't belong again I will personally beat you till you are a grease spot on my floor. Get it?"
He groaned and I was pretty satisfied with that answer, so I went to make breakfast.
I washed the blood of my hands then I made, no more like took out of a box, Some granola bars, fruit roll ups and some yogurt. For Turtle and Otter I grabbed two mice from my mini fridge and set them in there food bowls. I went to check on Turtle, but she wasn't in her box. I looked around the room and what I saw made me laugh so hard I thought I was gonna die.
Apparently Nico had fallen over to one side and Turtle smelled his blood so she had climbed out of her box and her motherly instincts had taken over. I grabbed my phone and took A zillion pictures an a few videos. Turtle was licking the blood off of Nico's face and out of his hair. She looked like she wanted to puke but she kept it down. She started to lick the blood off of his lips. I took some close ups of that and texted it to my BFF Lizzie who lived down the river, with her boyfriend Leo in her own little awesomeness condo.

Me: just found Turtle making out with my guest. <insert pic>

Lizzie: omg! What happened to him?

Me: we both fell asleep On the pile last night and when I woke up his hands were in the wrong places. So me and Otter both beat him up.

Lizzie: =-O I bet Otter is jelouse. About being groomed I mean.

Me: yeah, he's waking up gotta go.

Lizzie::-P bye

Nico started to giggle uncontrollably
"Tris stop it, it tickles!"
I was pretty appalled by that. And as soon as he opened his eyes the first thing he saw was a hand. I slapped him and he was really gross. Turtle said mroe and left to eat breakfast. I went to the bathroom and washed my hands. When I came back out he was just waking up again. He wiped his already bloody hand against his cheek and gasped in pain as he reopened
His wounds.
"What was all this for?" He asked as he held his shirt to his face
"That was for putting your hands were they don't belong."
He got a little redder underneath all the blood.
"Sorry, I'm special that way, my body goes haywire sometimes."
"Go wash up for breakfast"

Nico's POV

I was covered with blood and really embarrassed. I can't believe I actually put my hand there. But dang that girl can kick some ass. I crawled through
the tunnel and decided I should wash up in the actual river, not in her bathroom. That would be disgusting.
I went out to the river and took of everything but my underwear. As I was washing I looked down river and saw a girl with a bundle on her head wading across the river. She was about 200 feet down river. I made sure that my undies were underwater, But my 6 pack and awesome pecks were
above water. My face was still cut and bleeding, so I looked like some type of teen thug. She climbed out of the water, opened her trapdoor and set the sack
in it. She finally noticed me and looked me over, then started laughing uncontrollably. She sat down and kept laughing and rolled into the river , she stood up and took a breath then dove under. I heard her laughing and then a muffled voice,and a boy with curly brown hair, elfish ears and a crazy smile came out.
"Hey I heared that Tris beat you up! Is that true?"
"Yeah how'd Ya hear?"
"She texted my girlfriend Lizzie a picture of Turtle making out with you! And can you tell Tris that Lizzie is gonna come over tomorrow?"
"Sure I can-WAIT WHAT!?!?"
With that he exploded into laughter and dove under water. I finished washing up and put on my jeans and grabbed my t-shirt. I climbed into the tunnel and went to eat breakfast.
I sat down on the pile and started eating my food.
"Your punishment for the incident this morning is hunting for mice with this knife" she handed me the knife that she threatened me with when we met. "I want at least 5 before you come back, and your banned from the den until 9 pm."
"Wasn't getting my ass kicked by you a punishment enough?!"
I took the knife and crawled down the tunnle and swam out. On my way out I yelled back, " and Lizzie is coming over tomorrow!" as soon as I got to the bank Tris yelled, "By the way, nice abs!" And she dove back under water. I had forgotten to put my shirt back on after my bath.

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