chapter 9

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Tris's POV

"Time to wake up, sleeping beauty."
Nico was leaning over me, giving me a kiss whenever I nudged him away.
"Damn it You picky kitten."
He said then set me on top of him and gently thumped his hips against my butt. That got me up.
"You disgusting perverted boy! And what does' picky kitten' even mean?!"
I scolded
We were still on my parents couch, Leo was upside down hanging of the back of the couch like a bat by his legs and Lizzie was curled up in his arms. My parents must be out because both cars were gone.
"Well sorry for arousing the princess."
I got an idea. My parents have a pool in there backyard and even though it was February, this is Florida! Anything is possible! I walked over to Lizzie and whispered in her ear. She got up and walked to my old room, I followed her.
"You guys be good now. we're going for a swim."
I closed the door behind us.
"Lizzie I got an idea! Put on a strapless nude colored bra under your bathing suit top. when we get to the side of the pool We take off our bathing suit tops, And dive in. But we got to make sure they are behind us. And we make it all tantalizing and crap."
She smiled devilishly. "Kay."
We put on our bathing suits.
Mine was electric blue with tassels and it zipped up in the front.
Hers was a bronzish color with beaded tassels and it also zipped up. I grabbed my phone and climbed out the window. I positioned it so it would have full view of the pool, started the video, and went downstairs. We walked out side, the boys following. I walked to one side of the pool, unzipped my bathing suit and shedded it. I looked over my shoulder at Nico and dove in. A second later he dove in too, looking naughty.
I turned around in the water and the look on his face was priceless. He was surprised, excited, and just plain dumbfounded.
I laughed so hard, he dragged me to the surface. And set me on the side of the pool.
Leo was a little ways away, looking shocked. Lizzie was laughing, I was laughing, and both boys were downcast.
"Guys you didn't really expect us to do that. Were already both pregnant."I said
"Yeah but it still would of been fun."
Leo said
Me and Lizzie looked at each other and laughed some more.
Leo and Nico got out of the pool, picked us up and threw us into the pool. That blasted off the bra.
I wrapped my arms around my chest and kicked to the surface. Lizzie was in the same condition.
"Nico Di Angelo you throw me your shirt right now!"
"You too Leo!"
"Or what?"
"No kisses for a Week!"
They hurriedly grabbed their shirts and tossed them to us. I slipped it on and climbed out of the pool.
"Go and get them out of the pool. Right Now!" We both yelled
They looked at each other and gulped. Then jumped in. A second later Nico came out of the water and tossed mine to me. He climbed out and walked inside, slapping my butt as he passed.
"What am I gonna do with you?!"
"You got me all slappy happy. It won't wear off until tomorrow morning!"
I sighed and turned to Lizzie
"Hopefully when their babies are born they'll settle down." I said
"Hopefully, but probably not."
She replied
I walked inside and grabbed a piece of pizza out of the fridge.
"Cravings already kicking in huh?"
Nico asked
"Uh no. I'm just hungry, craphead."
I went upstairs and grabbed my phone and started playing the video.
The second me and lizzie jumped into the pool both boys smiled at each other. They shedded their clothes super fast and ran into the pool. I laughed and walked downstairs.
Nico was intently studying my boobs.
"Uh eyes up here mister."
"Hmm? Oh. their really saggy."
He said
I laughed. "That's the purpose of a bra. To make them not saggy. And since I'm pregnant they are gonna be extra saggy."
"Because there is gonna be milk in them, genius!"
"Ewww! I am never drinking milk again!"
"Idiot! We drink cow milk! Only babies drink boob milk!"
"You are sooooooooooo stupid!"

I turned around and came face to face with a phone.
Lizzie had been video taping us.
"And that's how to teach a idiot the anatomy of a pregnant woman."
She said and clicked off the video
"Gee thanks! Now who wants to watch terminator?!"
"Sure But can we have our shirts back now?"
We ran away but they caught us. They dragged us away into different rooms. He pulled me into my bedroom.
He tried to pull it off but I bit his hand. We started wrestling and he scratched me right above my right eye. The blood poured into my eye, it stung really bad. I rolled of the bed and rolled underneath.
All of a sudden their was a sharp pain in my stomach. I gasped for air cause it seemed to knock the breath right out of me. I started to cry, partially because the sting in my eye hurt and partially because My stomach hurt like someone was stabbing it a zillion times.
"Nico. *gasp* help. *Gasp* me. *Gasp* baby. *gasp* dyeing. *Sob*"
He looked under the bed and made a strangled moaning sound. He pulled me out and lifted me up, set me on the bed, curled up around me, and set his hands on my throbbing stomach. My eyes started to glaze over with pain and I started to black out, so I might of heard wrong but he started saying something Like.
"Oh Artemis, goddess of pregnant women help her, please please please please." Then he started rubbing my tummy gently And chanting in another language. I felt better, I looked over at Nico with my one good eye. He was crying, paler than usual and shaking. He gathered me up in his arms and rested his cheek against mine.
"Thank you. " I whispered. Then I blacked out.

The Riverclan Kids (A Nico Di Angelo fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ