typically chapter 6

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Tris's POV

We ran/jumped through the trees all the way back, holding hands the whole way. Nico is pretty sloppy when it comes to jumping from tree to tree, so I had to hoist him up 2 times when his foot slipped in his landing. We watched TV for a while then cuddled up on the pile to sleep. I woke up with his arms wrapped around my waist, both hands. I turned over and took his face in my hands. he started to wake up and he sort of looked like a newborn baby just waking up after a long nap. I kissed his forehead and he smiled. He pulled me in close and gave me a kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and ran my fingers through his ebony black hair. He was so adorable in that goth, childish, dumbass way.
"Whoa, make out session alert! You guys got a little cuddly after we left huh?" Said Leo who had just walked into the room with Lizzie behind him. I turned over and propped myself up on my elbow. Nico did the same and put one of his hands on my arm. I never noticed how long his fingers were.
"Why did you guys come over so early?" I asked
"Early? Tris it's 3:00!"
I sat up and looked at the clock, she was right.
I got out of the pile and grabbed my phone.
"Why don't we go to your house Lizzie? My A.C is out so we will be dripping soon."
I grabbed two mice for the cats and tossed them in their food bowls, checked on Turtle, and started climbing down the tunnel. I waited at the entrance to the tunnel until everyone was out, then everyone laid down in the river and let the current carry us down to Lizzie's condo.
Nico's hand slipped into mine and squeezed. I slipped my leg down to the bottom, we were at one of the secret entrances to Lizzie' s house. I turned my head and smiled at Lizzie she smiled and nodded.
I turned to Nico
"Hold your breath."
And I dove under water.
He swam behind me. I opened the hatch and swam inside, Nico hesitated then swam in. I closed the hatch and swam down a narrow tunnel. And came up in one of the air pockets. Nico came up beside me and gasped.
"You crazy girl! We could of drowned!"
"But we didn't."
I smirked
He shrugged, then put his hands on my hips and kissed me. I kissed back. Lips on lips. it felt sooooooo good and he was a crazily good kisser. He was so tall (meaning six inches because I'm 5'3) that he had to hunch over and the breathing hole was only built for one person so I am pressed against his chest and awesome abbs. BEST BF EVER!
I pulled away, and said.
"We need to get going or they will think we either dead or that we bedded down here."
Nico blushed
"How old are you by the way?"
He looked a little worried
"I'm 14."
"What's wrong?"
"Well if we... if I...it's too weird to talk about."
"I understand. I would be fine and so would you. We are wild, it wouldn't matter. And my parents wouldn't care. But they would like a grandbaby."
He blushed even harder.
"If that ever happens I won't leave you. I promise."
I smiled and kissed him.
Then I grabbed his hand and pulled him under. We swam down the tunnel and crawled out in a small room with a big pile of rags,moss and pine needles in the middle. I looked around then climbed up the tunnel and ended up in the main room. Lizzie was crying and Leo had his arms around her,he looked like he was close to tears. I walked over and sat down next to her. I couldn't help but smile. She took a double take then dove at me, knocking me to the ground, and wrapping me in a bear hug.
Nico and Leo laughed and did sort of weird handshake/fistbump thing.
We all grabbed some cokes from their mini fridge, and plopped down on their pile of stuff. Leo turned on impractical jokers.
"You got good taste, man." said Nico
Leo gave him one of his crazy grins
"And I hijacked the tv so that there are only funny commercials. Tris I could do it to your tv to if you want. It only Takes about 30 minutes."
I smiled "sure Leo. How about tomorrow at 2?"
He nodded.
We watched TV for about 4hours. Once Leo laughed so hard that he fell off the pile. It was a part of impractical jokers that Sal was supposed to stab a hot dog then right before he handed it to the lady he chucked it into a crowd of people and ran off screaming ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE!
I was getting restless. it was a full moon and it was beautiful out and we were sitting in a stuffy room.
"Guys lets go on patrol of the forest and have some fun! Its way too stuffy in here."
Lizzie answered that with a woop and opened her secret above ground exit. we dolled out some knives and ran out. All of us laughed and wooped as we ran, pushing each other over and tackling each other in the grass around the river. We ran to the forest and climbed the trees, jumping and swinging and ambushing,whooping ,laughing,yelling. This is life. We are wild. We are free.
All of a sudden I heard a child scream.
Not a happy scream or a surprised scream or oops-fell-out-of-a-tree-on-top-of-you scream, but a scared,strangled scream. I swung through the branches to a small clearing. Nico was on top of a little boy, holding his knife to his throat. The little boy was crying and kicking at Nico but he couldn't kick him very much with his short,stubby legs. I jumped out of the tree onto Nico, grabbed him under the armpits, put my feet on his hip bones and used my momentum to drag him off.
I pinned him to the ground,
"What the hell are you doing!?"
I yelled
"He's in our teritory!" Nico said
"But look at him. Nico the rules are no people above the age of 20 in our territory!" The little boy was crying and hiding behind a tree. Leo and Lizzie emerged at the other side of the clearing.
I got off Nico and walked over to the little boy. "Hey there buddy.what's your name?" I took out my knife and chucked it into the ground.
"Gacy." He said
"I'm Tris. This is Nico. That's Leo and Lizzie. What are you doing out in the woods at night?"
"I ran away. I don't like living in a house. I like the stars."
"Us too. We live in caves near a river. Right now we are playing. Do you want live with us?" Nico was walking towards us. He sat down on the ground and smiled at the little boy Gacy. I went and sat down next to him. Lizzie and Leo Came over and sat also. Gacy looked from one of us to the next" ..... sooo you would be my new family?"
We all looked at each other and nodded. " yes." We all said in usion
He flew at Nico and jumped on him. Nico fell over while Gacy hugged him tight, he looked really surprised.
"What should I call you?" Gacy asked
"Um Nico I guess..."
He came at me next , I had tears in my eyes.
"Your Tris Right?"
I nodded "what is Gacy short for and how old are you?" I asked
He held up 4 fingers "Gacy is short for Legacy, that's what my parents called me."
Weird name, I thought
He jumped to Lizzie next. she was laughing and crying at the same time.
I guess she knows how great it was to be accepted into the riverhood. But when it was Leo's turn he was ready for him. When Gacy came in for the kill Leo picked him up like a football and threw him to Nico, who caught him and tossed him back to Leo. Leo caught him and gave him a big hug then set him on the ground. Gacy collapsed and laughed so hard he started coughing. Nico picked him up and slung him over his back, he told him to hold on tight and climbed into a tree. we all whooped and climbed into trees. then started to jump and swing again. as soon as Nico got close to me he tossed Gacy to me and I caught him. I slung him over my shoulder and swung close to Leo. I passed him off and Leo threw him to Lizzie, who caught him and cuddled him under her arm. She held him like a baby against her chest, and by the time we got back to the river he was asleep. We set him in Leo and Lizzie's pile and then we went back outside.
We all swung to The Hool and went inside.
"I have some big news for all of you, and you Leo. I'm pregnant!"
Leo fell against the side of the tree and Nico needed to help him to the ground. He looked up at Lizzie.
"M-m-me a dad?"
"Yes, you a dad! I'm in the first month!"
Her eyes were shining.
Leo laid down on his side and started to sob. Lizzie crouched and Leo's hand pulled her down and he started to kiss her. Nico's hand slipped into mine. Leo took a shaky breath and stood up. He sobbed again, but he was smiling, so he was in shock. I think... don't know my medical simptoms.
Lizzie wanted to swing back but Leo insisted that she walked, partially because he didn't want her to accidentally hurt the baby and partially cause he needed someone to lean on. We got back to the river and Lizzie insisted that we stay overnight. Little Gacy was asleep on the ground with a bunch of fruit roll up wrappers around him, so we assumed he had a snack.
"I guess you guys don't mind sleeping together?" Leo asked
"Leo, we've done that for the past 2 days. So why do you nag us about it?" I asked
We climbed down the tunnel to the extra room and I laid down. The last thing I remember was looking into Nico's navy blue eyes.

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