chapter 12

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Tris's POV

"Tris wake up! Please wake up! I need you, Tris. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up." It was Nico's voice, pleading and tired.
I slowly opened my eyes. We were still in the Hool. Nico was sitting on the ground holding a little bundle against his chest, stroking its face. Her face. That was Hex, my baby girl. I reached out and limply put my hand on his shoulder. He looked over sadly with his red eyes, probably expecting Eric or Leo to be there.
He saw my face and crawled over. He hugged me and buried his face in my neck.
"I thought you were never gonna wake up. I thought I had lost you."
I heard a small cough and looked down. Hex was looking uncomfortable, and I don't blame her. Who would like to be squished in between two people? Raise of hands? I thought so.
First thing I noticed: Her skin was light blue, with horizontal darker blue tiger stripes. Her hair matched it beautifully.
It was curled on the ends, and was Inky black that ended in dirty blond tips. She had very long lashes, also black. She had high cheekbones and light blue lips. Her eyes were very complex and large, even bigger than Jake's, no whites at all. On the outer edge of her iris was a navy blue borderline. Right inside of that was a ring of bluish-green, in that area were specks of navy blue, like glitter. And right around each pupil was a creamy brown colored, supernova- shaped thingie. I noticed a flicker of movement near her butt. I turned her over and there was a small tail about as long as her leg. It was the same color as her skin. And there was a small tuft of black hair on the tip. She had Nico's small chin and nose and white glow-in-the-dark freckles all over her face,making patterns all over. She reached up and grabbed a strand of my hair. She had 'princess fingers' as Leo likes to call them. Long and thin like mine, but only four, no pinky. Her arm was bony and, well, just not healthy looking.
"Why is she blue? And she looks like she's starving."
He sighed. "Apollo says it's a blessing from a minor God or goddess. she was born normal except for eyes and hands but over the week she grew the tail and turned blue. Same with Jake. She refuses to eat. Lizzie tried to feed her but she wouldn't take her milk."
"Lemme try."
I tried to sit up but I was to weak to hold myself up. Nico propped me up on his knees and handed me Hex. I slipped her under my shirt and she started suckling hungrily.
"She's eating." I whispered happily
"That's good."
"Ow!" I looked down. She smiled only four teeth in her mouth and they were vampire fangs.
"Is she a blue vampire?"
He laughed. "Apollo said that those were normal. Like oversized teeth that are sharp. He also said that she should never leave the forest. That we should start behaving like an Indian tribe."
"We'll try to do that."
I laid down in between his legs, setting my head on his chest.
I looked up at him. "How long was I out?"
He started strokeing my head. "A week. All of your friends left 4 days ago. Brian came back yesterday and said that the whole clan is invited to a welcoming party for the babies. It will be in a week at your parents house. I told him to invite everyone that was here when you went into Labour too."
"Good. We'll go. But we have to go to the mall for a shop-athon you know."
"Damn it."
I smiled.
"How did Hex survive? I mean being born."
"I ran back to the river and summoned Apollo. He did some magic and she was born without you being awake."
We talked a little more, then we fell asleep.

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