Chapter 6

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My sister and I just keep walking through the crowds of girls until we finally get outside. 

"OMG DID YOU MEET HARRY!!" A girl asked. How would she know? Oh right my lanyard says VIP BACK STAGE MEET AND GREET. 

"Um yeah.." I say

"GUYS THIS GIRL MET HARRY OMG COME!" Just great Ashley all the girls are going to run you over like all the deer things did to mufasa. Just great.

Taylor quickly pulls me away and we get to the car. Before she starts the car i say, "Wait can we just hold on for a sec I don't feel too good.." I say

"Are you ok? What's wrong?" She asks.

I step out of the car and try to find a garbage can I honestly feel really nauseous right now. I don't know what it is... maybe all the girls with their ear piercing screams. Just as I'm walking across the parking lot, I look to the side and see the high beams of a car.

Oh no I'm done that's it im dead im gonna die omg that's it I knew this day would come-and then suddenly the car just stops as I feel someones arms wrapped around me.

It was not Taylor's arms and it definitely didn't smell like her either. When I look up, I see Harrys beautiful face staring at me. I just couldnt believe he came back. 

"HEY WATCH WHERE YOURE GOIN' ! says the driver. What an ass. 

"Are you ok love? Why would you walk in the middle of traffic, no one wants to see you get hurt... especially not me," he says in his adorable beautiful flawless accent. 

"Um.. i guess I didn't see where I was uhm..going... thanks.." I say awkwardly 

"Ash are you okay oh my gosh.." Taylor says running towards Harry and I

"What are YOU doing here?" She asks

"Tay, he saved me...he saved me from getting hit.." 

"Whatever thanks but we have more important things to do than hang around assholes like yourself... leave us alone." Taylor spits

" My name is Ashley by the way... Ashley Ruiz.. thanks again but I better get going.. "

Before I can start walking back to the car, he grabs my wrist but little does he know that he grabbed the wrong wrist.

I also see a flashing I knew it would rain especially with how my day has gone.

"Oh my goodness I'm so sorry if I hurt you but I just want you to know that you're beautiful ... Please don't hurt yourself.." He says with his eyes full of sorrow and regret.

"Hearts were made to be broken weren't they?" I say and get in the car.

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