Chapter 3

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" This way please" says this guy in dark blue pants and a collar shirt. He leads us all the way to backstage and I literally fie when I see Ashton.

He is all sweaty (obviously from drumming) and he smiles at me. I wave and he winks. Omg what is it with boys winking at me...I hope Harry winks at me too.

Once we go through the backstage part, we are brought into a room. There is a banner that says, "ONE DIRECTION MEET AND GREET".

I was so happy and excited and I wanted to cry. You see, us directioners care so much for the boys and we love them with all our hearts. These boys have saved people's lives. That's a huge matter.

When a directioner sees a member of the band, they smile or cry because they are so filled with happiness that is unexplainable.

"Ok everyone, here is One Direction" says they guy who brought us here.
The 5 boys come out of a door way opening and all I can do is start to tear up. I see Harry and I literally just start to cry histerically.

We are on different lines to meet different members but there aren't too many people. But me being me, I race to the line where I see a sign that says "Harry Styles Meet & Greet"

I'm not very quick because I start to think of how awful I look... I'm literally crying my eyes out. I get a little bit out of the line to see him taking a picture with one of his fans.

He is wearing black jeans, with a t shirt and his adorable shoes he wears most of the time. He's also wearing sunglasses and a hat.

Lord help me get through this because I can't get over his hair. It's flawless. I know I'm not the only one...

It's finally my turn to go see him after about 15 minutes. My sister looks at me and hugs me.

" Look, he's waiting for you" she says

" Yep, time to make a fool out of myself.." I say

" Oh stop, go get em tiger" she says

I start to walk towards him until I hear a British accent .....complaining??

"Do I have to do this? " Harry asks

" Yes, people paid a lot of money to see you Harry, now go meet that,girl and be nice" says Louis

" FINNEEE i'll do it... i don't even know why we have to meet these stupid fans anyway.." Harry states

Just then, he comes and gives me a hug, unwillingly. I quickly pull away and tell him to get off of me.

" You don't deserve all this fame if you don't appreciate the love and support people are giving you! All I wanted was to meet my idol, the person I thought would care about me..THE PERSON WHO I THOUGHT WOULD STOP ME FROM CUTTING BUT YOU KNOW WHAT YOURE JUST A SELFISH PEICE OF CRAP!"

Im furious with him. How could he do this to all of his fans...saying his fans are stupid is like killing about 23 million people in the world.

I start to run out of the room without my sister, and cry. I find a bathroom and just collapse and cry. None of this was supposed to go like this. I was all.wrong about Harry Styles.

He's really nothing but a piece of trash... I can call him a whole bunch of other words.. but Id rather keep it simple.

I don't care if my sister finds me or not.. I just want to be alone. I take my purse and find a razor.

If Harry can't stop me from cutting then no one can.

Where Do Broken Hearts Go?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon