Chapter 8

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Harrys POV

After finally getting out of the large crowd I continue looking for the girl and her sister.

Man I really messed up. She was too beautiful and I won't let her leave like that. I need to get her name atleast...if I find her.

I can't live knowing I caused a girl to cut herself.

As I get outside, a whole crowd starts coming to me. Am I really that easy to recognize? I start walking pretty fast and then I spot a familiar figure.

It's her.

She was crossing the street as a car was going almost 70 mph. I couldn't risk her getting hurt anymore.

As the car inches closer, I go into the street and get to her. I wrap my arms around her so that if any damage is done, it's done to ne. After all, I deserve it.

She turns around and looks surprised to see me. I'm so glad to see her flawless eyes.
She thanks me. Shortly after, her sister comes out of the car fuming. I understand how I hurt her and it wasn't right on any level but why isnot the girl more mad.. her sister is just so upset at me when I didn't do anything to her.

I later find out that her name is Ashley.

I grab her wrist before she leaves, and I see her wince. I feel the worst for doing that.

"Oh my goodness I'm so sorry if I hurt you but I just want you to know that you're beautiful ... Please don't hurt yourself.." I say.

"Hearts were made to be broken weren't they?" Says Ashley.

With that, she just went to her car. She right. Hearts were made to be broken. And I broke hers.

I need to find her. I want Ashley to be mine and I want to be hers.

So, where DO broken hearts go?

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