Chapter 5 - New and old Acquaintances meet up on the eve of the grand opening

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The Lighthouse Hotel chapter 5 -New and old acquaintances meet up on the eve of the grand opening


The following morning Tom and Leo decided to go for a brisk walk along the seashore near to the lighthouse hotel location.

The wind was calm and there was a lovely smell of sea salt in the air which was very pleasant on the lungs.

Tom was counting down the hours to when he would see Avril again,there was still some unfinished personal business between them.A Romance might be on the cards tonight if that old spark could be rekindled between them.

Leo was meanwhile beginning to fret about the impending meeting which had been arranged for midday.

He was sure that his father would not approve of him offering money to complete strangers without having them checked out and initiating a proper business plan before hand.

A cry from a distant seagull flying above them raised their concerns about the weather as these sea birds often flew inland when the heavens were about to open.

The hotel was now almost finished aside from a few brushes of paint here and there.The eve of the grand opening was fast approaching.

It was a nice thought of Tom to invite both of his closest friends Avril and Jack to the opening ceremony.

He had hoped that a few other members of the Solentville community might have accepted his invitation to the event.

Ken Charlery had indicated that he would make up his mind up on the day but he left his options open.

They arrived back at their temporary lodgings a short while later and both felt the need for a shower,there was still plenty of last minute tasks to perform like setting up the meeting room in the old lighthouse.

There were 4 small rooms within the lighthouse building which had been earmarked for the meeting room.

Eventually Tom decided to select a room called "The Night Star" as his preferred choice of location.

He quickly pushed 4 trestle tables together then boxed them off with freshly ironed white linen sheets and placed a few pens,pads,flip chart and an overhead projector in the room.

He decided that there was no need to provide name badges or cards as this wasn't an official board meeting after all.

It was now approaching midday when Leo noticed a Rolls Royce car pull up at the front of the hotel,he didn't recognise any of the people who got out of the car and were now making their way to the hotel's entrance.

There followed a sharp knock at the front door,the bell had not yet been fitted,there was a plan in place to fit a revolving door for the hotel's main entrance.


Lovejoy- Good day to you sir,my name is Lovejoy,this is my associates Eric and Tinker will be joining us in a jiffy.I presume that your son has filled you in on why we are here today.

Tom-Yes he has,I'm very pleased to meet you won't you please come this way,I've made a few arrangements of my own.

Lovejoy- I heard about the opening of this new hotel in the local newspaper "The Dorchester Times".

Tom- Right gentlemen shall we all get down to business?,as you will appreciate we have had our hands full with this new hotel venture.

Leo mentioned something about a one of payment of a thousand pounds yesterday as part of the deal which would make him a partner in your business correct?.

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