Chapter 9 - Guests look on with horror as murder weekend begins

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The Lighthouse Hotel Chapter 9 - Guests look on with horror as murder weekend begins

The breakfast went quite well in Tom's opinion as he made his way towards the reception area relieving Leo of his duties.It had been a hectic time for Leo with so many guests checking in and out.

A coach load of 60 people were expected to arrive in less than an hours time,most of these folk were expected to take advantage of the murder mystery weekend event.

Fancy dress was always a popular choice when these large groups attended this type of theme occasion.

There were even affiliated clubs whose members regularly visited quaint and quintessential locations such as tonight's venue.

Tom would have his work cut out today and needed to perfect the art of multitasking not to mention utilising his communication skills with all of the staff present.

The hotel was still short of staff members in many of the departments but the recruitment drive would would begin again on Monday.

At approximately half past twelve a coach pulled in to the hotel's main car park.A tour representative of the company who had arranged this event sprang from the coach and made a beeline for the reception area.


Tom- Good day to you sir,what may I ask is your business or pleasure?.

Mr Laithwaite- Good day to you sir I am the rep from the Murder Mystery Weekend Tours Incorporated.

I just wanted to inform you that our coach has just arrived and 60 people will soon be making their way to your reception to check in.

Tom- Wow that's a mouthful of words and I've only just had breakfast.Ok sir I will be with you in two ticks.

Now do any of your passengers require special needs or requests in aiding them like disability issues etc?.

Mr Laithwaite- No sir,you should have received my email which I sent yesterday listing our group and the various criteria.Right then,is it ok if I start allowing the first of our party through for registering purposes?.

Tom- Yes by all means that's ok just send along.Oh by the way are you responsible for setting up the rooms and the stage arrangements in the Gimcrack room? Or is that something we have to attend to?.

Mr Laithwaite- No don't concern yourself with those details we have arranged for an outside contractor to undertake all of the necessary tasks associated with this weekend's events.


It was a whole new ball of wax as far as Tom was concerned because he had never attended one of these type of events let alone hosting one.

It seemed an endless monotonous routine logging in folk's personal details on the computer keyboard as the queues seemed never ending.

Many of the people who were queueing complained that there was no air conditioning in either the coach or in the hotel.

Quite a few were close to losing their cool as Tom encountered more teething problems than an average dentist with his PC issues.

Eventually all of the guests were soon on their way with room keys and finally peace and quite was restored to the hotel's reception.

All that remained was for Tom to do now was to arrange the relief schedules for the various staff on duty during this busy weekend.

The hotel would no doubt benefit from a financial perspective but he was now wishing that the weekend would pass rather quickly and without too much drama, as the strain was beginning to take its toll on him.

The actual murder mystery event would begin at 1pm in the Gimcrack room.Everyone would indulge with a glass of champagne or maybe a glass of claret with a few nibbles served to settle any nerves.


Mr Laithwaite- Ok ladies and gentlemen the time has finally arrived for us all to indulge In a little bit of what we fancy.No I'm not talking about the wonderful spread which had been laid on for us or even this very fine champagne ha ha.

Please raise your glasses and give a toast to Mr Devereaux who has kindly allowed us to use his wonderful and rather spooky Lighthouse Hotel to host our popular event.3 cheers for Mr Devereaux hip hip hooray,hip hip hooray,hip hip hooray.

Tom-Well I don't really know how to follow that wonderful speech from Mr Laithwaite.

All that I want to say is to wish you you all a wonderful weekend and please remember that no task is too great for us to ensure that your stay here is a pleasurable one.

Have fun,stay safe and let the entertainment commence.

Leo- Well it looks like the party is in full swing,I'm a little intrigued to what actually happens at these type of events dad,could you fill me in on the agenda.

Tom- No son I'm a little in the dark myself about it but I'm sure we will be enlightened soon enough once it gets underway.

Right Leo now to some pressing matters I need you to cover for Ian West in the kitchen,he's had to go home due to family issues.

Leo- Oh that's great dad,I'm afraid my culinary skills aren't up to much,what will my tasks be in the kitchen?.

Tom- Come on son I'll introduce you to the team,don't worry it's probably only going to be for a few hours.I think I'll ask the head chef to give you a set routine like preparing vegetables for this evening's service.


Little did Leo realise that he had been well and truly thrown in at the deep end having never worked in a busy kitchen before.

The other chefs appeared to be a bunch of lazy sods who were really enjoying putting on poor Leo because he was the owners son.

Meanwhile one or two of the guests were beginning to mingle and a small group of them decided to go on The Lighthouse Tour.This was free to patrons but there was a small fee charged to visitors.

Tom finally got some quality time doing what he enjoyed the most showing the various folk around the historical lighthouse.

An evening event had been booked where a prominent historian and writer would entertain the guests with nostalgic and supernatural tales In front of a warm fire with a nice glass of Glogg (Swedish mulled wine).

The actual lighthouse was built in the middle of the 19th century on the original fortifications of a wooden structure.

It had so much rich history attached to it witnessing many a shipwreck over the past 150 years or so.

Legend has it that a group of lighthouse keepers deliberately tried to cause a shipwreck in 1892. They distracted the crew by turning off the main beam of light which caused the ship to crash on to the rocks.

The tranquil silence which had descended upon the Gimcrack room was suddenly broken by a loud banging noise which came from the first floor.
It was followed by a blood curling scream which sent shockwaves across the room.

Some of the people present began to look at each with surprised expressions whilst others had horror etched upon their faces as it transpired that something very unsavoury had occurred.

Tom quickly joined Mr Laithwaite in Venturing to the location where some rather nasty event had occurred.

They soon discovered a trail of blood which appeared to have stained the hotel's brand new carpet on the spiral staircase.

The drops of blood lead them to The Georgian Room as both men approached rather tentatively before opening the creaky door.

Their worst fears were soon realised as they discovered to their horror the bodies of two ladies and one gentlemen.

On first inspection it appeared that the victims had been slashed in to several pieces by what could only be described as a chainsaw.

There was blood on the walls,windows,4 poster bed,mirrors.It truly was an awful sight as Tom had to cover his eyes to prevent himself from passing out whilst Mr Laithwaire began to throw up with the stench of death all around him.

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