Chapter 13 - A freak accident at the hospital causes chaos,death and destruction

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The Lighthouse Hotel Chapter 13 - A freak accident at the hospital causes chaos,death and destruction


Isobella had just arrived in the nick of time as she quickly called the emergency services.

Isobella- Hello I need urgent medical assistance for a man in his 40's,I think he's broken both of his legs and may have a damaged spine.

Call Handler- I see,well just try to remain calm and don't move the injured man,what is your location?.

Isobella- It's the Beachy Head Lighthouse hotel in Portland

Call Handler- Ok an ambulance should arrive in the next half an hour, but please bare with us as the weather is causing delays for our crews due to the treacherous conditions.


Isobella was becoming frantic with concern and was now starting to think that Tom wasn't going to survive the night given the seriousness of his injuries.

Half an hour seemed to be an eternity as finally an air ambulance crew arrived on the scene.It had been a risky journey for them as they had to make their way through driving rain and prevailing winds.

Quickly the paramedics assessed Tom's injuries and quickly strapped his broken body on to a stretcher after protecting him with a neck brace.

Isobella- How is he?,is he going to be alright?.

Paramedic- I'm sorry love it doesn't look great on first inspection,has he got any close family members who we can contact?.

He might only have a couple of hours left to live,I'm concerned about the bad weather conditions and the safety of my crew.


There was a short pause before Isobella made her way in to the hotel's main hallway.She ran towards the reception area looking for Leo but he was nowhere to be found.

A member of the air ambulance rescue team suddenly appeared as the hotel's guests were now becoming aware of Tom's tragic accident and the unfolding events.

Paramedic- I'm sorry but we will have to leave now,a member of our staff will attempt to make contact with his next of kin once we have safely transported him to hospital.


There wasn't much more Isobella could do as she continued her search for Leo.The hotel was now in complete darkness as a result of the storm damage which had knocked out the main source of electricity.

There was a mad scramble and panic developing as the guests started to look for candles,many of them were becoming concerned about their health and safety.

It was like the blind leading the blind as nobody had any answers for their immediate predicament which they faced.

Meanwhile the air ambulance was just about to take off despite the atrocious weather conditions it faced.

Visibility was down to 30 yards as the aircraft began to start up it's engines preparing for the dangerous journey through the stormy skies of Portland to it's base and an awaiting ambulance.

There was still no word on Leo's whereabouts and Isobella had no idea how to reach him since she had no personal contact information.

She decided to check with reception and ventured in to Tom's office to see if she could find his mobile number.

Some sense of normality had now been restored to the hotel with the guests having access to candles which had been stored in a cleaning cupboard behind the reception desk.

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