Chapter 10 - Murder scene proves to be an elaborate hoax as Tom seeks new blood

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The Lighthouse Hotel Chapter 10 - Murder scene proves to be an elaborate hoax as Tom seeks new blood.

There was stunned silence between all of the members in the Gimcrack room,some folk had allowed morbid curiosity to get the better of them as they assembled along parts of the spiral staircase.

Tom appeared pale faced as he began to inspect the murder scene more thoroughly,meanwhile Mr Laithwaite was remaining tight lipped and pensive looking on impassively.

A few moments later the phone rang in the Georgian bedroom,Tom looked at Mr Laithwaite as if to enquire whether he should answer the call.

Both men decided to ignore the phone call as Tom left the room making his way passed a group of anxious looking guests towards the staircase.

He had decided to make the call to alert the authorities of this grim discovery and was about to dial the number when he was immediately interrupted by Mr Laithwaite.


Mr Laithwaite- I wouldn't do that if I was you sir,you see the whole murder scene has been stage managed to appear as if several gruesome murders have occurred here.

Tom- What on earth are you talking about?,didn't you observe all of the blood and carnage in that room?.

Mr Laithwaite- Come with me Tom I want to show you something.


Tom was taken back to The Georgian room once again,he inspected the scene scrupulously before realising that his original prognosis was indeed incorrect.

He placed his right index finger upon the substance which he initially thought was blood.After smelling and tasting it he realised that it was indeed red currant syrup.

He also noticed that the body parts appeared to be genuine human limbs because they were covered in so much of this fake blood substance.

He had also neglected to discover that these presumed victims were actually bit parts of several mannequins which had been torn up.

They were covered with synthetic rubber fibre which appeared to look like skin,the whole thing was an elaborate hoax,a set up but it was indeed convincing to the untrained eye.


Tom- Oh my word no wonder your members pay top dollar to attend these kind of events.Now then what about my carpet? It's only been laid a week ago will these syrup stains come out?.

Mr Laithwaite- Yes don't worry Tom I'll give you the name and address of a good carpet cleaner.Now then I've got a bit of a predicament on my hands what do I tell the guests?,do I keep them in suspense?.

Tom- I don't know and frankly I don't care,the old ticker has taken quite a bit of a hammering and I need to rest up and soothe my nerves with a glass of Jameson's Irish whisky.

Mr Laithwaite- Ok leave it with me,I'll sort this out see you later.

Tom- Yes quite !!! I'll be in the lobby if you need me again this evening.

Mr Laithwaite- Right ladies and gentlemen I have an important announcement to make.There won't be any crime scene investigation or police arriving here anytime soon.

You see it's all part of this wonderful murder mystery weekend extravaganza,you can all breath a huge sigh of relief,please come with me and I'll explain everything.


A tour of the Georgian room was soon arranged and the guests were shown how the murder scene had been put together,it appeared so realistic to most of them on first inspection.

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