- Prologue -

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.: Dan's POV :.

You know that feeling when you hate someone so much that whenever you see that person, you just want to fucking strangle them or maybe push them off a cliff?

Yeah. That's exactly how I feel about Phil Lester.

My life was perfectly fine. I got my grades up and made lots of friends. I even got into sports, which is really rare, because I'm not athletic. I mean have you seen me? But things started going downhill when he showed up.

He stole my friends, he kept getting even better grades than me, and to top it all of, he brags. Phil, this fucking spork, ruined my life. Basically.

I don't know what his deal is with me. I'm in class one day right, trying to study for an upcoming test and he decided it was a good idea to sit next to me. His presence isn't the only thing that annoys me oh hell no, the little known fact that he gets into my personal bubble is oh my god.

My life has gotten more difficult.

My parents thinks I should leave it alone because it isn't good for me or my studies but thing is I can't. Everytime I see him, I can't help but glare at him.

And he does the same okay?

We get into countless fights that my only friend Chris have to pull me away from him before I rip off his pretty head (pretty according to the girls in our class).

We usually leave it off like that but the next day comes and we're at each other's throat; calling each other names, putting the blame, on the floor with fists across one's face.

Things couldn't get any more perfect.

But no matter how much I hate Phil, let's start from the beginning shall we?


A/N: Hi hi! Yes, I'm writing a chapter fic even though I said I suck at them but you know I'm going to force myself xD

This is just an intro on what's going to happen. I got this idea from a Filipino show I watch with my mom called On the Wings of Love. If you know the show and watch it, then you get the idea but it won't exactly be like it. I'm going to tweak it a bit so it'll be original.

So yeeeeaaah. I'll update when I can, hopefully once a week, but I hope you enjoyed it so far!

P.S. I'm not British, a fellow Filipino here, so the things in the story may be inaccurate so I apologize lol.

- Emi xoxo

phan // is our hatred real? ✘Where stories live. Discover now