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It had been hours since I've been hanging out with Chris. How can I tell? Well it's night time right now and earlier when we first headed to the movies it was bright. Like not too bright but a good afternoon kind of bright.

After watching that zombie movie, to which I thought was really retarded due to the characters and the plot and everything else, we watched more movies. My favorite had to be this one called Nine in the Afternoon. Basically a sappy love story where this guy and a girl meet at this place, it had become a daily thing to meet there at a certain time, and just talk. Then dun dun dun someone finds out about their post and whilst the girl waits for her love, she gets kidnapped.

With that I immediately got intrigued by it. I watched the trailer before, couple days ago before it came out in the cinema, and it was good. But the actual movie was freaking damn. I was impressed.

On the other hand Chris fell asleep through it. Seemed like rom-coms don't interest him so he just does that, not like I'm into rom-coms. Don't get me wrong just because this movie made me an emotional wreck doesn't mean I really like the genre, okay? But yeah typical Chris.

We were done with that and decided to hit the arcade. One thing's for sure I am BOSS at DDR. I did a very hard and complex level. Guess who got perfect score in my first try? Yeah that's right, me. Due to that I got a whole crowd around me with 'wow that kid is amazing' written all over their faces.

By the time we were done, I mean completely done, it was getting late. I was going to head home to "study" but with Chris by my side, he thought the opposite.

We're heading to a bar now.

Okay I am 18 years old which, technically, is the legal age to hit the bar and drink here in England. So yeah. But to be honest, I'm not entirely fond of very enclosed spaces with sweaty drunkards that grind on each other on the dancefloor. Just not my cup of tea. I'd rather stay at home and be an awkward introvert; despising the light so bad and the need to finish a round in a video game no matter how many times I die. Litrally, I will not sleep until I complete it. I once stayed up until 8 in the morning to complete this game. Totally worth it.

"Do I have to go?" I whined, my hands stuffed in my pockets as I looked around. We were a couple steps away from the building and I can already smell the intense drinks they serve.

Chris looked at me and crossed his arms. "Yes. I don't want to freaking be alone. And besides~" Smug look grew on his face, leaning in to whisper in my ear. "I heard there are some hot guys in there. Hm? Hm??" He wiggled his eyebrows and I sighed.

"Shut up."

What he didn't tell me was this club was a gay bar.


This is my first time being here and the atmosphere was strange yet I couldn't help but notice the sweet aroma in the air... it doesn't stink of sex here. Just like- alcohol. Why did I let Chris drag me here, Jesus fucking christ.

Also last time I checked Chris was straight... unless he's hiding something from me. And by something, he definitely has a thing for guys. But I can't label him, especially not in a place like this. I won't pressure him. He's his own person, it's totally cool, he'll just tell me when he's all ready or some shit.

I went to the bar and sat down, my eyes glancing to Chris and softy chuckled at how flirty he was being.

Turning my head back, I ordered just a beer and waited. The music was loud, not too loud that can be heard from across the country or that can make your ears bleed, but it had perfect decibels. Everyone around me were either single or just doing it with their partner. I am at a bar-slash-club in the first place.

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